Terms Glossary C
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Cadin'sor: "Working clothes", the coat and breeches worn by Aiel men and Maidens of the Spear
Cairhienin: A person from Cairhien
Callandor: A powerful, flawed sa'angreal in the form of a crystal sword.
Captain General: The title given to the Green Head of Ajah
Captain of the Stone: The commander of the Defenders of the Stone
Car'a'carn: Chief of chiefs, the prophecied leader of the Aiel.
Cargomaster: The man on a Sea Folk ship in charge of trade
Carneira: A Malkieri term to denote a person's first lover
Cha Faile: The Falcon's Tongue in the Old Tongue is one of the societies formed by young Cairhienin and Tairen nobles, in imitation of the Aiel Warrior Societies.
Chainleaf: A tea used to calm the stomach
Chair of Remorse: A ter'angreal in the White Tower, used for punishing thieves and other criminals
Channel: To use the One Power
Chansein: A feast celebrated on the third day of Jumara
Chareen: One of the Aiel Clans, led by Erim
Children of the Light: A military organisation dedicated to opposing Darkfriends.
Chop: A card game.
Choren: The tenth month of the year
Chosen: The name Darkfriends give to themselves
Clan (Aiel): The equivalent of nations among the Aiel. Thee are twelve
Clan (Sea Folk: The equivalent of nations among the Sea Folk. The number is unknown
Cloud Dancing: A talent to control the weather
Codarra: One of the Aiel Clans, led by Indirian
Cole Pass: A battle in Artur Hawkwing's rise
Collapse, the: The period following the drilling of the bore until the War of the Shadow where civilisation fell apart
Color of Trust, the:
Compass: A dice game
Chora Tree: Avendesora, the tree of life, located in Rhuidean
Comprehensive Discussion of Pre-Breaking Relics, A:
Comaidin: A place during the Compact of the Ten Nations
Coming Home From Tarwin's Gap:
Companions: The elite military formation of Illian
Compulsion: A weave that allows a person to control another, or to implant false memories
Con: Small banners, used by Cairhienin to pick out officers in battle and to mark a lord's personal retinue
Consolidation: The period when the descendants of Luthair Paendrag conquered the Seanchan continent
Cor Darei: The Night Spears, an Aiel Warrior Society
Cord: A unit of area
Corlm: A Seanchan exotic that resembles a flightless bird
Corenne: The name given by the Seanchan to their invasion of the Westlands.
Council of Merchants: One of the ruling bodies of Arad Doman
Council of Nine: One of the ruling bodies of Illiian
Cour'souvra: A mindtrap, a ter'angreal that allows the owner to control a person who can channel
Courtier Taps His Fan, The:
Covenant of the Ten Nations: A compact formed between the nations that arose after the Breaking to provide protection against Shadowspawn and Darkfriends
Creeper Embraces the Oak, the:
Crown: A unit of currency
Crowns: A dice game
Crimsonthorn: A pant with poisonous roots
Crockobur: A nesting animal in the Aiel Waste
Crystal Throne: A 'ter'angreal used by the Seanchan Empire to instil loyalty in all who go before it
Cuaindaigh Fords: A battle late in the Trolloc Wars
Cuallin Dhen: The site of a battle between Tear and Andor early in the New Era
Cuendillar : An material created by the one power that can't be damaged in any way
Customs and Ceremonies of the Tairen Court:
The Cyclone Rages, the: