Terms Glossary H
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Hadori: A thin braided cord worn by Malkieri men to tie their hair
Hailene: The Forerunners, the initial force of the Seanchan return
Half Moon, Feast of the: A Feast celebrated in Altara
Hall: The governing body of the Aes Sedai.
Hama N'dore: The Mountain Dancers, an Aiel Warrior Society
Hand: A rank of the Seanchan bureaucracy
Hand of the Light: The Questioners, an element within the Children of the Light dedicated to obtaining confessions
Head Clerk: The head of the Gray Ajah
Healing: The talent of healing injury or illness with the One Power
Heart: One of the cells of the Black ajah, comprised of three members, who each know the other members, plus one other
Heartfang: A name for the Dark One
Heartsbane: A name for the Dark One
Hero of the Horn: One of the people bound to the Horn of Valere
Heron Snatches the Silverfish:
Heron Spreads Its Wings, the:
Herot's Crossing: The site of a battle during the fall of Malkier
Hide: A unit of measurement
High Chasaline: A feast considered a time of reflection
High Lord (Seanchan): One of the highest rank of the Blood outside of the Imperial Family
High Lord (Tear): One of the ruling lords of Tear
Highest: The title of the head of the Red Ajah
History of the Stone of Tear, the:
Hold: The equivalent of a village in the Aiel Waste
Horn of Valere: An object that is able to summon back the dead heroes from beyond the grave, to fight for whoever blew it
Hoverfly: A form of transport in the Age of Legends
Hundred Companions: The men who accompanied Lews Therin when he sealed the Dark One back in his prison
Hundredarms: A creature found in the Waterwood Pond
Hundredweight: A unit of measurement
Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose:
Hunter for the Horn: A person who has sworn the oath in the square of Tammaz to search for the Horn of Valere