Tower Roles
From Tar Valon Library
(Redirected from Positions)
This is a list of all current positions at TarValon.Net.
Title | Department | Level | Brief Description | Reports To | Term/Rotation |
Amyrlin Seat | Executive Branch | Officer | Chief Executive Officer. Leader of the community and liaison between Board and Executive Branch. | Board of Directors | Non-rotating role. |
Keeper | Executive Branch | Officer | Chief Operations Officer. | Amyrlin Seat | Non-rotating role. |
Shatayan | Executive Branch | Officer | Chief Financial Officer. | Amyrlin Seat | Non-rotating role. |
Archivist | Executive Branch | Officer | Secretary. Forum archival and records and membership awards, including Merit Badges. | Amyrlin Seat | Non-rotating role. |
Cordamora | Executive Branch | Officer | Chief Membership Officer. | Amyrlin Seat | Non-rotating role. |
Director of Events and Conferences | Executive Branch | Executive | Director of Department of Events and Conferences. | Keeper | Non-rotating role. |
Director of Marketing | Executive Branch | Executive | Director of Department of Marketing. | Keeper | Non-rotating role. |
Director of Membership | Executive Branch | Executive | Director of Department of Membership. | Cordamora | Non-rotating role. |
Director of Online Events | Executive Branch | Executive | Director of Department of Online Events. | Cordamora | Non-rotating role. |
Director of Outreach | Executive Branch | Executive | Director of Department of Outreach. | Keeper | Non-rotating role. |
Director of Research and Records | Executive Branch | Executive | Director of Department of Research and Records. | Archivist | Non-rotating role. |
Director of Technology | Executive Branch | Executive | Director of Department of Technology. | Keeper | Non-rotating role. |
Assistant to the Director of Events and Conferences | Department of Events and Conferences | Admin | Assists the Director of Events and Conferences. | Director of Events and Conferences | Non-rotating role. |
Conference Coordinator | Department of Events and Conferences | Staff | Responsible for planning our North American conferences and conventions each year. | Director of Events and Conferences | Non-rotating role. |
Tar Valon Times Editor | Department of Marketing | Admin | Compiles and oversees the production of content for the Tar Valon Times Blog. | Director of Marketing | Non-rotating role. |
Marketing Project Manager | Department of Marketing | Admin | Tracks all graphic projects. | Director of Marketing | Non-rotating role. |
Social Media Manager | Department of Marketing | Admin | Manages the Social Marketing Team. | Director of Marketing | Non-rotating role. |
Assistant Social Media Manager | Department of Marketing | Staff | Assists the Social Media Manager. | Director of Marketing | Non-rotating role. |
Social Media Team | Department of Marketing | Staff | Maintains our social media and shares Wheel of Time and TarValon.Net news. | Social Media Manager | Non-rotating role. |
Graphics Development Team | Department of Marketing | Staff | Responsible for all visual assets used on or in conjunction with TarValon.Net. | Marketing Project Manager | Non-rotating role. |
Tar Valon Times Assistant Editor | Department of Marketing | Staff | Assists the Tar Valon Times Editor. | Tar Valon Times Editor | 12 month rotation. |
Tar Valon Times Staff | Department of Marketing | Staff | Creates content for the Tar Valon Times Blog. | Tar Valon Times Editor | Non-rotating role. |
Tar Valon Talks Staff | Department of Marketing | Staff | Creates content for the Tar Valon Talks podcast. | Director of Marketing | Non-rotating role. |
Head of Ajah | Department of Membership | Admin | Membership administrator for all Aes Sedai within an Ajah. | Director of Membership | Staggered 18 month rotation. |
Company Commander | Department of Membership | Admin | Membership administrator for all Gaidin within a Company. | Director of Membership | Staggered 18 month rotation. |
Mayor | Department of Membership | Admin | Membership administrator for citizens. | Director of Membership | Staggered 18 month rotation. |
Master/Mistress of Novices and Recruits | Department of Membership | Admin | Membership administrator for Novices and Recruits. | Director of Membership | Staggered 18 month rotation. |
Master/Mistress of Accepted and Soldiers | Department of Membership | Admin | Membership administrator for Accepted and Soldiers. | Director of Membership | Staggered 18 month rotation. |
Heart | Department of Membership | Staff | Helps moderate the Ajah forums and provides support to the Head as needed. | Head of Ajah | 6 month rotation. |
Honor Guard | Department of Membership | Staff | Helps moderate the Company forums and provides support to the Company Commander as needed. | Company Commander | 6 month rotation. |
City Council | Department of Membership | Staff | Helps new members adjust to TarValon.Net. | Mayor | 6 month rotation. |
Online Activities Coordinator | Department of Online Events | Admin | Manages the Online Activities Team. | Director of Online Events | Non-rotating role. |
Guild Coordinator | Department of Online Events | Staff | Assists with Guild management. | Director of Online Events | 6 month rotation. |
Online Activities Team | Department of Online Events | Staff | Help plan and execute Online Events. | Online Activities Coordinator | 6 month rotation. |
Servant of All Coordinator | Department of Outreach | Admin | Focuses on coordinating small-scale philanthropic endeavors both for our online and local communities. | Director of Outreach | Non-rotating role. |
Servant of All Team | Department of Outreach | Staff | Serve in the Department of Outreach. | Servant of All Coordinator | 6 month rotation. |
Headteacher | Department of Research and Records | Admin | Runs the Classroom. | Director of Research and Records | 18 month rotation. |
Tower Historian | Department of Research and Records | Staff | Maintains and updates the Tower Histories. | Director of Research and Records | Non-rotating role. |
Events Historian | Department of Research and Records | Staff | Maintains and updates the RL Event sections of the Tower Histories. | Director of Research and Records | Non-rotating role. |
Awards Historian | Department of Research and Records | Staff | Assist in the running of the Merit system and tracking who is due for an award. | Director of Research and Records | Non-rotating role. |
Media Historian | Department of Research and Records | Staff | Archives TarValon Times articles and TarValon Talks podcast transcripts in the Library. | Director of Research and Records | Non-rotating role. |
Editor | Department of Research and Records | Staff | Keeps Wheel of Time articles up to date and edited according the Library's manual. | Director of Research and Records | Non-rotating role. |
The Illuminator | Department of Technology | Admin | Serves as a server administrator. | Director of Technology | Non-rotating role. |
Wansho | Department of Technology | Admin | TBD | Director of Technology | Non-rotating role. |
Mason | Department of Technology | Staff | Assists the Wansho. | Wansho | Non-rotating role. |
Tower Gatekeeper | Department of Technology | Staff | Add to and remove people from usergroups in XenForo's backend panel. | Wansho | Non-rotating role. |
Discord Gatekeeper | Department of Technology | Staff | Add to and remove people from usergroups as well as add and remove channels in Discord. | Wansho | Non-rotating role. |
Site Designer | Department of Technology | Staff | Fixes and tweaks website and forums theme/visuals as needed. | Wansho | Non-rotating role. |
Reports Manager | Non Departmental Staff | Admin | Puts together the Annual Report and Membership Survey. | Keeper | Non-rotating role. |
Tower Mediator | Non Departmental Staff | Admin | Offers peer mediation when conflicts occur. | Cordamora | Non-rotating role. |
Head Moderator | Non Departmental Staff | Admin | Manages the Moderators and Chat Operators. | Cordamora | Non-rotating role. |
Moderator | Non Departmental Staff | Staff | Moderates various forums. | Head Moderator | 6 month rotation. |
Chat Operator | Non Departmental Staff | Staff | Oversees the Discord chat. | Head Moderator | 6 month rotation. |
Copywriting Editor | Non Departmental Staff | Staff | Help with updates on the Membership Manual. | Archivist | Non-rotating role. |
Legal Counsel | Non Departmental Staff | Staff | Offers legal advice. | Amyrlin Seat | Non-rotating role. |
Legal Research Team | Non Departmental Staff | Staff | Researches legal matters. | Amyrlin Seat | Non-rotating role. |
Sitter | Non Departmental Staff | Staff | Serves in the Hall. | Does not report. | 6 month rotation. |
Warder Councillor | Non Departmental Staff | Staff | Serves in the Hall. | Does not report. | 6 month rotation. |
Community Council | Non Departmental Staff | Staff | The Community Council includes all Sitters and Councilors from the Hall, plus Tower Initiate representatives (Novices/Recruits, Accepted/Soldiers), a representative of the Unaffiliated Tower Sworn and Citizenry representatives. | Does not report. | 6 month rotation. |