Members' Choice Awards

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Every year at the time of the Anniversary party for, the membership comes together to recognize stand out individuals within the Community. These awards vary slightly from year to year, but always follow a nomination period followed by voting and are then presented at the Official Anniversary.

In addition, while we have several ways that we recognize members at TarValon.Net, there are a few unique annual awards that are given for superlative service to the community. These are awarded by the Amyrlin Seat personally, and are the highest honors we bestow. These awards include the Volunteer of the Year, Philanthropist of the Year, the Unsung Servant, and the Member of the Year which is our highest honor.


Amyrlins Awards

Member of the Year -
Philanthropist of the Year -
Unsung Servant -
Volunteer of the Year -

Member Awards

Most Welcoming Ajah - Gray
Most Welcoming Company - Dai M'Hael
Outstanding Aes Sedai Spirit - Dralyn Montsier
Outstanding Recruit Spirit - Jeffan Caliarthan
Most Inspirational - Miridyth Al'Landerin
Aes Sedai Most Representative of her Ajah - Jodea Kegan , Naeris Vell'sean (tie)
Walking WoT Encyclopedia - Toral Delvar
Most Entertaining Board Poster - Riley Maconnar
Most Entertaining in Chat - Willam Cambrae
Senior Member Most Likely to Give a Penance - Liiane al'Rhuidea
Most Like a Main Character from WoT - Ne'mireth Simoua (Faile), Zashara Da'sainne (The Dark One) (tie)
Most Welcoming Member - Alyria Savoinya
Most Effective Moderator - Neisa Alibrylla
Most Effective Classroom Teacher - Willow al'Meana
Outstanding Citizen Involvement - G'Tairon Faraner
Outstanding Accepted Involvement - Aryela Dashtahd
Liveliest Debater - Niere al'Aman
Junior Member Most Likely to Incur a Penance - Pip al'Dealys
Outstanding Leadership of the Artisans Guild - Ariana Sulan
Most Helpful Artisans Guild Member - Loira al'Ramoidra
Outstanding Leadership of the Gleemen Guild - Lenore Carvoe
Most Helpful Gleemen Guild Member - Kyla Sterling
Outstanding Leadership of the Healers Guild - Niere al'Aman
Most Helpful Healers Guild Member - Miriya ay'Anne
Outstanding Leadership of the Innkeepers Guild - Hilwa Katir
Most Helpful Innkeepers Guild Member - Ban al'Seen
Outstanding Leadership of the Martial Guild - Murasaki al'Aevon
Most Helpful Martial Guild Member - Euriel Than
Outstanding Leadership of the Professors Guild - Troy Valthaven
Most Helpful Professors Guild Member - Elbereth Gailbridhil
Outstanding Leadership of the Tailors Guild - Arafel al Dama
Most Helpful Tailors Guild Member - Mirshann Uuranor t'al'Theorem
Geekiest Member - Sela Narian

  • The Guild-specific awards were something the membership, when polled, chose to add to the Members' Choice Awards when the categories were updated in 2008. Since that time, Guild structure has gone through many changes. This year, Guildleaders were included with the rest of each Guild's membership, and members voted STRONGLY for each Guildleader AS WELL AS 'regular' Guildmembers. To recognize both the efforts of your dedicated Guildleaders, as well as non-Leader members, there are TWO winners from each Guild this year.


Amyrlin's Awards

Member of the Year - Defen Estrator
Philanthropist of the Year - Ubahsur Kindellaer
Unsung Servant - Riley Maconnar
Volunteer of the Year - Toral t'Simoua Delvar

Most Welcoming - Arafel al Dama
Most Inspirational - Wen Chang
Artisans: Most Creative - Meilen Gevedon
Gleemen: Most Likely to Put on a Show - Naeris Vell'sean
Healers: Best Health/Wellness Adviser - Estalia Walburga
Innkeepers: Most Hospitable - Aleita Taviah
Martial: Fountain of Weapons/Combat Knowledge - Azrael al'Letifer
Professors: Most Educating - Sela Narian
Tailors: Craftiest Tailor - Yelenia Hylraren
Most Effective Classroom Teacher - Liiane al'Rhuidea
Most Effective Moderator - Niere al'Aman
Most Entertaining Board Poster - Miridyth Al'Landerin
Most Entertaining in Chat - Jalen te'Kreg
Liveliest Debater - Mara Jade t'Bayana
Outstanding Citizen Involvement - Aran Cherubim
Outstanding Novice/Recruit Spirit - Nyavene al'Meer
Outstanding Accepted/Soldier Spirit - Willow al'Meana
Outstanding Aes Sedai/Gaidin Spirit - Ninya Evoneigh Aes Sedai
Junior Member Most Likely to Incur a Penance - Thoridyss Wyborn
Aes Sedai/Gaidin Most Likely to Give a Penance - Vallah al'Dera
Aes Sedai/Gaidin Most Representative of her/his Ajah/Company - Magdalenna t'Zai / Gray Ajah
Walking WoT Encyclopedia - Ismene Gillandred
Most Like a Main Character from WoT - Adolla Ceryia/Verin Mathwin
Geekiest Member - Defen Estrator


Member of the Year - Yelenia Hylraren
Unsung Servant - Ninya Evoneigh

Most Friendly Member - Arafel al'Dama
Most Helpful Member - Kyla Sterling
Most Welcoming Member - Tsubasa Kamui
Most Inspirational Member - Miridyth Al'Landerin
Most Entertaining Member - Tinnlin Fundon
Most Artistic Member-Visual - Valorian Edoras
Most Artistic Member-Written - Sela Narian
Most Active Bonded Couple - Miridyth Al'Landerin/Oryn Riker
Walking WoT Encyclopedia - Atarah Al'Norahn
Best Mentor - Wen Chang
Best Debater - Jalen te'Kreg
Best Moderator - Neisa Alibrylla
Non-WOT Intellectual - Sela Narian
Naughtiest Junior Member - Naedys Channirra
Most Likely to Take Over the Tower - Melana al'Cairera
Member You Would Most Like to Meet in Person, but Haven't Yet - Calypsa al'Nicolai
Prettiest Avatar - Antarai Vende
Most Effective Guildmaster - Elbereth Gailbridhil
Most Welcoming Ajah - Blue Ajah
Most Welcoming Company - Val'Cueran
Aes Sedai Most Representative of their Ajah - Cataia Sylvianya
Gaidin Most Representative of their Company - Doneavan al'Keavin


Members of the Year - Dralyn Montsier and Zhareen din Narelle
Philanthropist of the Year - Tinnlin Fundon

Friendliest Member - Miridyth Al'Landerin
Most Helpful Member - Saminda Meltacia
Most Inspirational Member - Arisaema Draconis
Most Entertaining Member - Karalyne al'Meida
Most Artistic Member - Sindra Bell
Best Bonded Couple - Katarianna al'Leya and Jalen te'Kreg
Walking WoT Encyclopedia - Eniara Kisharad
Best Mentor - Lireina Dormerus
Best Avatar - Sienna Hanon
Best Guild Leader - Josef al'March, Artisan's Guild
Best Moderator - Leora Oldessroth, Current Events
Best Executive - Dralyn Montsier, Keeper of the Chronicles
Best General Administrator - Zhareen din Narelle, Systems Administrator
Best Community Administrator - Kyla Sterling, Mayor of Tar Valon


Member of the Year - Val a'Shain
Philanthropist of the Year - Padraigin al'Teirik
Unsung Servant - Faeril Munlear Sedai and Branwyn al'Leara Sedai
Volunteer of the Year - Caia al'Tamad

Most Artistic - Darim Pelegro
Best Administrator - Val a'Shain
Best Avatar - Leora Oldessroth
Best Bonded Couple - Jaim Gaidin and Ne'Mireth Sedai
Best Mentor - Morwynna Raevyn
Born in the Wrong Decade - Rollyn Montagorae Gaidin
Best Comebacks - Jalen te'Kreg
Friendliest - Ilissa al'Nari Sedai
Most Inspirational - Arisaema Draconis
Best Partier - Cataia Sylvianya Sedai
Most Entertaining - Miridyth Al'Landerin
Most Helpful - Ehlana Taravin Sedai
Most Intellectual - Sela Narian
Best Rant - Navin
Most Likely to Succeed - Zashara Da'sainne
Most Sarcastic - al'Cary Mandoragon
Most Unforgettable - Jaim al'Bearach
Silliest - Melana al'Cairera