2008 Raisings
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Peple who were raised in 2008.
Raised Aes Sedai
By Month
- January
- Aavyn Eirinon - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Aria Kakarot - Raised to the Green Ajah
- Alyra Seyni - Raised to the Green Ajah
- Katherine Avery - Raised to the Red Ajah
- Manon Lumen - Raised to the Green Ajah
- February
- Rhianna Solstice - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Naedys Channirra - Raised to the Green Ajah
- Lyara Tieran - Raised to the White Ajah
- Elarielle Mandellon - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- March
- Ayende Sorre - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- Shara Nevan - Raised to the Brown Ajah
- Celinda al'Velis - Raised to the Green Ajah
- Qamra Daielin - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Tsubasa Kamui - Raised to the Green Ajah
- Twibli Abaru - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Estella Sharina Agadis - Raised to the Red Ajah
- Niniel Lalaith - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- April
- Muirenn Lina Alianin - Raised to the Green Ajah
- Lilli O'Neeus - Raised to the Brown Ajah
- May
- Emerylde niRohan - Raised to the White Ajah
- Loira al'Ramoidra - Raised to the White Ajah
- Ubahsur Kindellaer - Raised to the White Ajah
- Sindra Bell - Raised to the Brown Ajah
- June
- Nyarin al'Batera - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Calypsa al'Nicolai - Raised to the Red Ajah
- Elays Saeryn - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- Fee Nicoin - Raised to the Red Ajah
- Sa'areah Britthorn - Raised to the Yellow Ajah
- July
- Zashara Sho'am - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- August
- Alyria Ess - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- Yveva Orer - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- September
- Cinnamin Draconna - Raised to the Brown Ajah
- October
- Zarathi al'Domir - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- Kariada Kunai - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- November
- Demonfaer al'Dreamteare - Raised to the Red Ajah
- December
- Mirshann Uuranor t'al'Theorem - Raised to the Red Ajah
- Melina Tashir - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- Cordelia Narie - Raised to the Yellow Ajah
- Skye Alani Galanodel - Raised to the Yellow Ajah
By Community Group
- Blue Ajah
- Aavyn Eirinon - January
- Rhianna Solstice - February
- Elarielle Mandellon - February
- Qamra Daielin - March
- Twibli Abaru - March
- Nyarin al'Batera - June
- Zashara Sho'am - July
- Yveva Orer - August
- Kariada Kunai - October
- Brown Ajah
- Shara Nevan - March
- Lilli O'Neeus - April
- Sindra Bell - May
- Cinnamin Draconna - September
- Gray Ajah
- Ayende Sorre - March
- Niniel Lalaith - March
- Elays Saeryn - June
- Alyria Ess - August
- Zarathi al'Domir - October
- Melina Tashir - December
- Green Ajah
- Aria Kakarot - January
- Manon Lumen - January
- Alyra Seyni - January
- Naedys Channirra - February
- Celinda al'Velis - March
- Tsubasa Kamui - March
- Muirenn Lina Alianin - April
- Red Ajah
- Katherine Avery - January
- Estella Sharina Agadis - March
- Calypsa al'Nicolai - June
- Fee Nicoin - June
- Demonfaer al'Dreamteare - November
- Mirshann Uuranor t'al'Theorem - December
- White Ajah
- Lyara Tieran - February
- Emerylde niRohan - May
- Loira al'Ramoidra - May
- Ubahsur Kindellaer - May
- Yellow Ajah
- Sa'areah Britthorn - June
- Cordelia Narie - December
- Skye Alani Galanodel - December
Raised Accepted
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- Reianna al'Namere
- Vallen Draevis
- Aleita Taviah
- Iteran al'Wahid
- Liiane al'Rhuidea
- Mirshann Uuranor t'al'Theorem
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
Raised Gaidin
By Month
- March
- D`Ran al'Fir - Raised to Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
- Rodi Leg'na Krad - Raised to Val'Cueran
- Soronhen Ciryaher - Raised to San d'ma Shadar
- Gerrok Grenshaw - Raised to Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
- Brienen Ruthegar - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- April
- Marrow Rahien - Raised to Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
- Whil al'Gwin - Raised to Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
- Aves Keynes - Raised to Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
- Hasan Iesa Al-Anzi - Raised to Val'Cueran
- May
- Lucas al'Baine - Raised to Val'Cueran
- Martele d'Acre - Raised to Val'Cueran
- June
- Emp Orer - Raised to Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
- Izanagi Asklepios - Raised to Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
- August
- Garion al' Toray - Raised to Val'Cueran
- Sidar Crand - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- October
- Yngrot Draconian - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- November
- Heron Tallamand - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- December
- Anigrel Tavadon - Raised to San d'ma Shadar
- Amarande al'Kalin - Raised to Dai M'Hael
By Community Group
- Dai M'Hael
- Brienen Ruthegar - March
- Sidar Crand - August
- Yngrot Draconian - October
- Amarande al'Kalin - December
- Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
- D`Ran al'Fir - March
- Gerrok Grenshaw - March
- Marrow Rahien - April
- Whil al'Gwin - April
- Aves Keynes - April
- Emp Orer - June
- Izanagi Asklepios - June
- San d'ma Shadar
- Soronhen Ciryaher - March
- Anigrel Tavadon - December
- Val'Cueran
- Rodi Leg'na Krad - March
- Hasan Iesa Al-Anzi - April
- Lucas al'Baine - May
- Martele d'Acre - May
- Garion al' Toray - August
Raised Soldier
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- August
- September
- October
- November
By Month
- January
- Elbereth Gailbridhil - From the White Ajah to Accepted
- Kitan Tataru - From the Green Ajah to Accepted
- July
- Jordan Rayne - From the Green Ajah to Accepted
- Kyyri Moran - From the Green Ajah to Accepted
- Kariada Kunai - From the Gray Ajah to Accepted
By Community Group
- Gray Ajah
- Kariada Kunai - To Accepted
- Green Ajah
- Jordan Rayne - To Accepted
- Kitan Tataru - To Accepted
- Kyyri Moran - To Accepted
- White Ajah