2009 Raisings
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People who were raised in 2009.
Raised Aes Sedai
By Month
- February
- Isarma Maracanda - Raised to the White Ajah
- Kitiarah Lamseen - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- Jordan Rayne - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- Sláine al'Eir - Raised to the Yellow Ajah
- Enya Tawarwaith - Raised to the White Ajah
- Elbereth Gailbridhil - Raised to the Green Ajah
- Camlyn al'Carr - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- Leese Sulan - Raised to the Red Ajah
- Ark'chios Davien - Raised to the Yellow Ajah
- March
- Dovienya el'Korim - Raised to the White Ajah
- Saviendha Seara - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Lia Kellenit - Raised to the Green Ajah
- Aintza Bisera - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Kyyri Moran - Raised to the Brown Ajah
- Mystica Ari'Yena - Raised to the Green Ajah
- Aleita Taviah - Raised to the Green Ajah
- April
- Liiane al'Rhuidea - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- Ayendra Kisharad - Raised to the Brown Ajah
- May
- Willow al'Meana - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Autumn Sapphira - Raised to the Yellow Ajah
- June
- Iteran al'Wahid - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- Elin al'Nia - Raised to the White Ajah
- Sienna Hanon - Raised to the White Ajah
- August
- Badria Aidan - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- September
- Lenore Carvoe - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Jadira Paerael - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Niere al'Aman - Raised to the Yellow Ajah
- Cariyad Teridal - Raised to the Brown Ajah
- October
- Morwynna Raevyn - Raised to the White Ajah
- November
- Catt Heckathorne - Raised to the Brown Ajah
- Ariadne Davion - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- December
- Ivien Tarkand - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- Torrie le'alma - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Elissa Roshan - Raised to the Blue Ajah
By Community Group
- Blue Ajah
- Saviendha Seara - March
- Aintza Bisera - March
- Willow al'Meana - May
- Lenore Carvoe - September
- Jadira Paerael - September
- Torrie le'alma - December
- Elissa Roshan - December
- Brown Ajah
- Kyyri Moran - March
- Ayendra Kisharad - April
- Cariyad Teridal - September
- Catt Heckathorne - November
- Gray Ajah
- Kitiarah Lamseen - February
- Jordan Rayne - February
- Camlyn al'Carr - February
- Liiane al'Rhuidea - April
- Iteran al'Wahid - June
- Badria Aidan - August
- Ariadne Davion - November
- Ivien Tarkand - December
- Green Ajah
- Elbereth Gailbridhil - February
- Lia Kellenit - March
- Mystica Ari'Yena - March
- Aleita Taviah - March
- Red Ajah
- Leese Sulan - February
- White Ajah
- Isarma Maracanda - February
- Enya Tawarwaith - February
- Dovienya el'Korim - March
- Elin al'Nia - June
- Sienna Hanon - June
- Morwynna Raevyn - October
- Yellow Ajah
- Sláine al'Eir - February
- Ark'chios Davien - February
- Autumn Sapphira - May
- Niere al'Aman - September
Raised Accepted
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- Asalyn al'Morin
- Leilwyn al'Raen
- Meilen Gevedon
- Melearlin Valar
- Alwyn da'Cara
- Melisande Arneil
- Ilyana Mandorallen
- Aduiavas Ida
- Marivea al'Corriyi
- Xylianna Paladina
- Elandria d'ma Mieresouvra
- Geneve Da'Guerre
- Halosia Paage
- Asandra al'Terra
- August
- September
- October
- November
Raised Gaidin
By Month
- February
- Gidgiddoni Traconnen - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- March
- Adoen Calloden - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- John al'Ramin - Raised to San d'ma Shadar
- April
- Jadar M'Blado - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- May
- Thalin al'Dayne - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- June
- Braedan Fearghal - Raised to Val'Cueran
- July
- Aénor Dhulaine - Raised to Val'Cueran
- Alondrian Heartsbane - Raised to Val'Cueran
- August
- Caerwyn Jolan - Raised to San d'ma Shadar
- Xander Silverstar - Raised to San d'ma Shadar
- Eli Soljourn - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- Troy Valthaven - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- September
- Lugh Vanth - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- Miliham Rastoubel - Raised to San d'ma Shadar
By Community Group
- Dai M'Hael
- Gidgiddoni Traconnen - February
- Adoen Calloden - March
- Jadar M'Blado - April
- Thalin al'Dayne - May
- Eli Soljourn - August
- Troy Valthaven - August
- Lugh Vanth - September
- Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
- San d'ma Shadar
- John al'Ramin - March
- Caerwyn Jolan - August
- Xander Silverstar - August
- Miliham Rastoubel - September
- Val'Cueran
- Braedan Fearghal - June
- Aénor Dhulaine - July
- Alondrian Heartsbane - July
Raised Soldier
- February
- March
- May
- June
- July
- October
By Month
- January
- Katina Ralstone - From the Green Ajah to Accepted
- Kiana A'Jadein - From the White Ajah to Accepted
- Miriette Kasabian - From the Red Ajah to Accepted
- Morwynna Raevyn - From the Red Ajah to Accepted
- July
- Alwyn da'Cara - From the Red Ajah to Accepted
- Meilen Gevedon - From the Gray Ajah to Accepted
- Melearlin Valar - From the Gray Ajah to Accepted
- Leilwyn al'Raen - From the Gray Ajah to Accepted
By Community Group
- Gray Ajah
- Leilwyn al'Raen - To Accepted
- Meilen Gevedon - To Accepted
- Melearlin Valar - To Accepted
- Green Ajah
- Katina Ralstone - To Accepted
- Red Ajah
- Alwyn da'Cara - To Accepted
- Miriette Kasabian - To Accepted
- Morwynna Raevyn - To Accepted
- White Ajah
- Kiana A'Jadein - To Accepted