Character Glossary A
Author: Atarah al'Norahn
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Abaldar Yulan: A man from Seanchan. He is a captain, and he is also one of the low Blood, holding the rank of Captain of the Air. He formulated the plan for the raid on Tar Valon and was one of those who took part. during the Last Battle, Moghedien used him as a pawn to argue against supporting Mat.
Abar: A man from Arad Doman. His brother is Balat. He works as a sword-swallower and fire-eater in Valan Luca's menagerie. He left with Luca when the menagerie and Mat parted company.
Abdel Omerna: A Whitecloak. He was supposedly the head of Pedron Niall's network of spies. He assassinated Pedron Niall and was then killed by Eamon Valda.
Abell Cauthon: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers, Andor. His wife is Natti Cauthon. He has one son, Matrim, and two daughters, Bodewhin and Eldrin. He remained in the Two Rivers when Tam brought out more men to fight with Perrin, but was present at the Field of Merrilor
Abelle Pendar: An Andoran nobleman. He is the High Seat of House Pendar. At first, he wished to support Dyelin Taravin for the Lion Throne, but in "Knife of Dreams", he pledges his support to Elayne Trakand.
Abors: An Asha'man loyal to Taim
Ackley Farren: A man from Andor.
Adamad: A man from Shienar who goes north to seek the Storm in the Gathering Storm.
Adan al'Caar: A boy from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.
Adan: A historical character; he was one of the Jenn Aiel who live during the Breaking of the World. He was married to Siedre and had five children: Elwin, Jaren, Marind, Rhea and Sorelle. His parents were Jonai and Alnora, and he is one of Rand's ancestors.
Adden: A brigand. He was killed by Aiel when they rescued Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve from him and his band of brigands.
Adela: A girl from Jurador, Altara.
Adeleas Namelle: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah; she was aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. Her sister was Vandene Namelle. She was sent to Ebou Dar as an emissary to Queen Tylin. She was killed by Careane Fransi on the way to Caemlyn.
Adelin: An Aiel woman of the Jindo Taardad. She is a Maiden of the Spear.
Adelorna Bastine: An Saldaean Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai. She is the Captain General of the Green Ajah in the White Tower and has three Warders. During the raid on the Tower, she struggles to fight until she encounters Egwene and finds herself following Egwene's orders. She later supports her for the Amyrlin Seat
Adim: Graeger's thirteen year old son
Adine Canford: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah, and therefore aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She is originally from Andor.
Adine Lewin: A woman from the Two Rivers in Andor. She is married to a farmer named Flann Lewin. Adley: See Jonan Adley.
Admar: A soldier in Mat's Band of the Red Hand.
Admer Nem: A man from Kore Springs in Andor. His wife is Maigan Nem.
Admira, Master: A man from Tear. He is a merchant.
Adora: The granddaughter of Perrin and Faile in a possible future
Adora Aybara: A girl from the Two Rivers in Andor. Her parents were Con and Joslyn Aybara, and her siblings were Perrin, Deselle and Paetram Aybara. She was killed, along with the rest of her family excluding Perrin, by Padan Fain when she was sixteen.
Adria: A woman who works in Valan Luca's menagerie. She is a contortionist. She and Rumann are lovers.
Adrielle: An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai. She is one of the Aes Sedai sent to capture the Black Tower, but is instead captured herself and forcibly bonded by Mezar Kurin. She is presumably turned when he is.
Adrin: A Saldaean soldier killed by a bubble of evil.
Adrinne Bunt: Almen's wife, deceased.
Adsalan: A Warder to one of the ferrets in the Tower.
Aedelle Baryn: An Andoran noblewoman. She is Lir Baryn's sister.
Aedmun Matherin: An Andoran nobleman. He supports Elayne Trakand for the Lion Throne.
Aedomon: A historical character; he was a King of Safer at some point before the Trolloc Wars. He was killed by a young boy with a spear.
Aedwin Cole: A sailor. He works on a ship called the Spray.
Aeldene Stonebridge: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah, and therefore aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She is the head of the Blue Ajah's eyes-and-ears.
Aeldra Najaf: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah and Tamra Ospenya's second Keeper of the Chronicles in "New Spring". She is likely dead by now.
Aeldra: A woman from Tanchico, Tarabon.
Aeldrine Marinye: Beonin Marinye's mother.
Aelmara: Romanda Cassin's maid.
Aeman Senhold: A nobleman from Amadicia. He fought during the Aiel War.
Aemin: A man from the Two Rives in Andor. He works as a farrier. He accompanies Perrin out of the Two Rivers.
Aemlyn Carand: An Andoran noblewoman. She is the High Seat of House Carand. She is married to Culhan Carand. At first, she wished to support Dyelin Taravin for the Lion Throne, but in "Knife of Dreams", she pledges her support to Elayne Trakand.
Aemon al Caar al Thorin: A historical character; he was the last King of Manetheren, during the Trolloc Wars. He was married to Eldrene ay Ellan ay Carlan, and it is rumored that she was an Aes Sedai and he was her Warder. He was killed defending his nation against the forces of the Dark One.
Aeric Botteger: A man from the Two Rivers Nynaeve sees during her Aes Sedai test
Aeron: An Aiel woman of the Black Water Nakai. She is a Wise One. She cannot channel, but she holds a good deal of status.
Aerwin, Teven: The author of The Dance of the Hawk and the Hummingbird
Aesnan, Lorstrum: A Cairhienin nobleman who rose in prominence after Rand left Cairhien, gaining influence by taking the middle ground
Aethelaine: A woman from Jurador, Altara. She is the lady of Jurador. She has sworn the Seanchan's Oath of Return.
Afara: An Aes Sedai of undetermined Ajah; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She was sent as an emissary to Tarabon; she has likely been captured by the Seanchan, as the other two emissaries sent with her, Edesina and Guisin, were made damane.
Afrim Hansard: A man who works in the Queen's Guards in Caemlyn, Andor.
Agardo Saranche: A man from the city of Tear. He is the owner of an inn named The Dragon.
Agelmar Jagad: A man from Fal Dara in Shienar. He is the lord of Fal Dara. He is one of the five great captains of the Westlands. His sister is Amalisa. He leads the forces of the Light at Tarwin's gap during the Last Battle until forced to give up command after falling to Hessalam's compulsion
Aghan: A Saldaean soldier.
Aginor: One of the Forsaken. His name before turning to the Dark One was Ishar Morrad Chuain. He was killed in "The Eye of the World", but later reincarnated by the Dark One as Osan'gar; Osan'gar was killed in "Winter's Heart" at Shadar Logoth.
Agirin: An Aiel woman of the Shelan Daryne. She was a Maiden of the Spear. She was killed at Dumai's Wells.
Agni Neres: A man from Ebou Dar, Altara. He owns a ship named the Riverserpent. He is also a smuggler.
Ahan, Kenley: A young man from the Two Rivers. He is killed during a Trolloc ambush in 'The Shadow Rising.'
Ahan, Marisa: A novice aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She is among the Two Rivers girls Alanna Mosvani and Verin Mathwin want to enroll in the novice book,
Ahan, Mistress: A woman from the Two Rivers in Andor. She was Kenley Ahan's mother.
Ahmid, Toma dur: A historical character; the creator of the first calendar after the Breaking of the World
Ahzkan, Tumad: A man from Saldaea; a lieutenant under Davram Bashere from Tyr. He is killed during the battle against the Trollocs in 'Knife of Dreams.'
Ajala, Dermid:A man from Tear; he is a blacksmith.
Aiden: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai. She is one of the Atha'an Miere.
Aiko: A woman from Chachin, Kandor. She works in the Aesdaishar Palace.
Ailene Tolvina: A woman from Chachin, Kandor. She owns an inn named The Evening Star.
Ailhuin Guenna: A woman from the city of Tear. She is a Wise Woman whom Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve stay with while searching for the Black Ajah.
Ailil Riatin: A Cairhienin noblewoman. Her brother is Toram Riatin; because many believe Toram to be dead, some members of her House think that Ailil should be High Seat. She and Shalon are pillow-friends.
Ailron: The King of Amadicia, though in truth, he was a front for the Whitecloaks, who truly rule the nation. He was killed during a battle at a town named Jeramel.
Ailys Candwin: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers, Andor.
Aisha Raveneos: An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah. She was one of the Aes Sedai chosen by Tamra Ospenya to search for the Dragon Reborn; she was killed by the Black Ajah. She had a Warder, name unknown, who died with her.
Aisling Noon: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai. She was the Aes Sedai advisor to King Easar Togita of Shienar, but she left him for the Tower when she heard of the split. She is one of the Aes Sedai sent by Elaida to destroy the Black Tower, where she was captured and bonded by an Asha'man named Arel Malevin. She is one of the Tuatha'an.
Ajimbura: A man from the Kaensada Hills, Seanchan. He is one of Furyk Karede's servants.
Akarrin: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai.
Akashi, Lelaine: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah; aligned with the rebels and a Sitter in their Hall. She competes with Romanda for power among the Hall. She is bonded to Burin Shaeren. She continues to be highly influential after the Tower is reunited.
Akima, Chin: The owner of a menagerie. He was killed by the Prophet's people.
Akir Mandragoran: The last King of Malkier. He was married to Leanna Mandragoran and is the father of Lan Mandragoran. He and his wife were killed in a battle against Trollocs.
Akoure Vayet: An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai. She is one of the Aes Sedai sent by Elaida to destroy the Black Tower, where she was captured and bonded by an Asha'man whose name is unknown.
Ala: An Ogier woman.
Alaabar Harnesh: A Lord Captain of the Children of the Light with Rhadam Asunawa. He joins Galad after Asunawa orders Galad imprisoned.
Aladon, Turak: A member of the Seanchan High Blood who led the return until being killed by Rand al'Thor in Falme
Alaine Chuliandred: A noblewoman from Cairhien.
Alainia: A woman from Amadicia. She was captured and held gai'shain by the Shaido, but was set free during the rescue of Faile.
Alalved: A future chief of the Tomanelle Aiel
Alamindra Cutren: A member of the Domani merchant council and one of the few to survive both the general troubles and Graendal. She was taken by the Aiel under Rand's orders so that the council could elect a new king.
Alanna Mosvani: An Arafellin Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She is bonded to Ihvon and Rand, and had a third Warder, Owein, who was killed by Whitecloaks. She has sworn fealty to Rand al'Thor. She is kidnapped by the Shadow and taken to Shayol Ghul, with the intent to kill her at an inoportune moment and thus cause Rand to suffer the pain of her loss. She releases the bond before this can happen.
Alar: An Ogier woman from Stedding Tsofu. She is one of the Elders. She is Erith's grandmother and Iva's mother.
Alarch: One of Aviendha and Rand's sons in her vision of the future
Alarys: An Aiel woman of the Shaido clan. She is a Wise One.
Aldiaya, Nalesean: A Tairen lord and member of the Band of the Red Hand, killed by the gholam in Ebou Dar.
Aldan: A captain in Gareth Bryne's army with some authority over new recruits.
Aldecain Damodred: A nobleman from Cairhien. He was one of Laman's brothers and one of Moiraine's uncles. He was killed during the Aiel War.
Aldin Miheres: A mercenary. He worked for Arymilla Marne. He was killed by Birgitte in the fighting for Caemlyn.
Aldin: A man from Amadicia. He was captured and held gai'shain by the Shaido, but was set free during the rescue of Faile. He wants to marry Arrela Shiego.
Aldorwin, Lacile: A young noblewoman from Cairhien; a member of Cha Faile. She is taken gai'shain by the Shaido. Later, she and the others are freed by Perrin.
Aldragoran, Alida: A woman from Saldaea. She is married to Weilin Aldragoran.
Aldragoran, Weilin: A man from Malkier. He is married to Alida Aldragoran and works as a merchant in Saldaea. He pledges to ride with Lan and catches up with him in Arafel
Aldred Gomaisen: A man from Cairhien. He is a mercenary. He worked for Elayne Trakand, but switched his allegiance to Arymilla Marne. After Elayne won the battle for Caemlyn, she signed his death warrant.
Aldrin Caldevwin: A man from Cairhien. He is a soldier, and a captain in the Cairhienin army.
Aledrin: An Aes Sedai of and Sitter for the White Ajah; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai.
Aleis Barsalla: A woman from Far Madding. She is the First Counsel.
Aleis Romlin: A historical character; she was an Amyrlin Seat raised from the Green Ajah.
Alene al'Vere: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers, Andor. Her parents are Brandelwyn and Marin al'Vere, and her sisters are Berowyn, Egwene, Elisa and Loise al'Vere.
Aleria Elffin: A historical character; she was a writer. She wrote humorous stories.
Aleshin Talvaen: A nobleman from Ghealdan.
Alesinde: A historical character; she was a Queen of Andor during the War of the Hundred Years. She was Ishara's daughter.
Alesune Chulin: A woman from Shienar. She is the shatayan at the palace. She accompanies King Easter Togita to his meeting with the other Borderland rulers in the Black Hills.
Alfara, Mistress: A woman from Bellon, Amadicia. She owns an inn named the Bellon Ford Inn.
Algarin Pendaloan: A Tairen nobleman. Rand and company stay at his estates after the cleansing of saidin. He wants to become an Asha'man, and so likely has the ability to channel.\
Algoran, Marande: An noblewoman from Amadicia and sister to the High Seat of her House. She is also lady-in-waiting to Morgase during her stay in Amador.
Algwyn: A historical character; he was an Emperor of Seanchan. He was the last male to rule the Seanchan Empire.
Alhandrin: A soldier in the Band of the Red Hand.
Alhanra: A soldier in Bryne's army
Alharra, Furen: A man from Tear. He is bonded to Seonid Traighan.
Aliane Senican: A historical character; she was an Amyrlin Seat raised from the White Ajah.
Alida Aldragoran: A woman from Saldaea. She is married to Weilin Aldragoran.
Alievin, Doniella: A historical character. She was an Amyrlin Seat raised from the Brown Ajah.
Alijha: A historical character; he was one of the Jenn Aiel who lived sometime after the Breaking of the World. His mother was Nerrine and his siblings were Charlin and Colline. He was outcast from the Jenn Aiel after committing an act of violence to free his sister from bandits.
Alin Seroku: A man from Canluum, Kandor. He is a guard.
Alin: A cavalry leader with Rodel in Saldaea
Alind Dyfelle: A historical character; she was an Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah.
Alis: A woman who lives in Ebou Dar, Altara. She works in the Tarasin Palace.
Alise Tenjile: A member of the Kin. She is in charge of the farm. She accompanies Elayne, Nynaeve and company to Caemlyn in Andor.
Alivia: A woman from Seanchan. She is a damane and is very strong in the One Power. She is a follower of Rand, and according to one of Min's viewings, will help him die. She is with Cadsuane and Nynaeve when they complain to Rand about Semirhage
Alix: A Gaidin whose Aes Sedai was killed
Alkaese, Zarya: A member of the Kin who ran away from the Tower seventy years previously
Alkohima, Tamore: A woman from Arad Doman; a dressmaker in Tar Valon.
Alliandre Maritha Kigarin: The Queen of Ghealdan. She has sworn fealty to Perrin Aybara. She was captured by the Shaido with Faile, but was freed during Perrin's attack on the Shaido.
Allin: An Andoran in the White Tower army
Allwine, Rulan: A man from Andor; the innkeeper of the Market Sheran inn.
Almadar, Ramsid: A nobleman from Arad Doman; King Alsalam's brother. Graendal kept him as pet and he was presumably killed at Natrin's Barrow.
Alman, Dumera: A historical character. She was an Aes Sedai who lived shortly after the Breaking of the World.
Almen Bunt: A man from a village in Andor. He fights at the Last Battle
Almindhra: A historical character; she was a First Counselor of Tova during the Free Years.
Almurat Mor: A man from Seanchan. He is a Seeker for Truth.
Alnora: A historical character; she was one of the Jenn Aiel who lived during the Breaking of the World. She was married to Jonai and had three children, Adan, Esole and Willim. She was a dreamer.
Aloisia Nemosni: A member of the Kin. She works as an oil merchant in Tear.
Alpert Mull: A man from a village in Andor.
Alric: Bonded to Siuan Sanche. He was killed by Elaida's supporters when Siuan was captured and stilled.
Alrom Marsim: A historical author who wrote on the War of the Shadow.
Alruddin, Katerine: An Aes Sedai of the Red and Black Ajah, temporarily named Elaida's Mistress of Novices. She is killed in Tel'aran'rhiod during an attack on the Tower.
Alsahhan, Sorelana: A scholar during the Trolloc Wars.
Alsalam Saeed Almadar: The King of Arad Doman. He has apparently gone missing.
Alsbet Luhhan: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers, Andor. She is married to Haral Luhhan.
Alsera: An Aiel woman of the Nakai Clan. She is the Wise One at Shiagi Hold.
Alstaing, Mistress: A woman from Tarabon. She is a merchant.
Altalin: A noblewoman from Amadicia.
al'Taron, Mistress: A woman from the Two Rivers in Andor. She is the mother of Dael al'Taron.
Alteima: One of the High Ladies of Tear. She is married to the High Lord Tedosian, though she and the High Lord Carleon were lovers for a time. She was also one of Gaebril/Rahvin's lovers.
Althyn Conly: A novice who joined the rebel Aes Sedai.
Aludra: A member of the Guild of Illuminators. She was the Mistress of the Chapter House in Cairhien. After the Chapter House burned down, she ran away and ended up joining Valan Luca's circus, which she later left in order to accompany Mat. She is waiting on him to produce supplies and procure the bellfounders she needs.
Alvera Ramosanya: A historical character; she was an Amyrlin Seat raised from the Yellow Ajah.
Alviarin Freidhen: An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai. She is also the head of the Black Ajah. She was Elaida's first Keeper of the Chronicles until she was replaced by Tarna Feir. She was taking regular punishment until Egwene was raised, at which time she fled with the majority of the Black Ajah.
Alvistere: A girl from Cairhien. She is a novice in the White Tower.
Alvon: A man from Amadicia. He is a woodcutter. His eldest son is Theril. He and his son were captured by the Shaido Aiel, and tried to escape many times in order to be rejoined with the rest of their family. They swore fealty to Faile and eventually escaped with her.
Alwain, Doesine: A Sitter for the Yellow Ajah who voted to depose Siuan
Alwhin: A woman from Seanchan. She was a sul'dam until she became High Lady Suroth's so'jhin. She was killed by Liandrin.
Alwin Rael: A man from Cairhien. He works in Lady Arilyn's home.
Alwyn al'Van: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers, Andor. He works as a cobbler.
Alysa: Almen Bunt's sister and Graeger's widow.
Amalasan, Guaire: A False Dragon who'se rise led to the rise of Artur Hawkwing
Amaline Paendrag Tagora: The first wife of Artur Hawkwing. They had four children, among them the twins Amira and Modair. She was poisoned, along with her three surviving children; some people claim that Bonwhin Meraighdin had a hand in their deaths.
Amalisa Jagad: A noblewoman from Fal Dara, Shienar. Her brother is Agelmar Jagad.
Amar: An Ogier woman.
Ambrey, Merana: An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah, loyal to the rebels who swore fealty to Rand
Amerano, Saraline: An Aes Sedai involved in the formation of Tar Valon.
Amaresu: A historical character; she is one of the Heroes of the Horn.
Amaryn: An Aiel woman. She is Sorilea's greatdaughter and Taric's greatmother.
Amathera Aelfdene Casmir Lounault: The Panarch of Tarabon. She was captured by the Seanchan and made da'covale until she was rescued by Juilin Sandar.
Amel: A man of the Atha'an Miere. He is the husband of Zaida din Parede Blackwing.
Amellia Arene: A woman from Amador, Amadicia. She is married to Jorin Arene. She works as a merchant. She is a Darkfriend.
Amenar Shumada: A powerful and important member of the Blood.
Amico Nagoyin: An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah. She was also a member of the Black Ajah. She fled the White Tower with Liandrin and eleven other members of the Black Ajah. She was murdered by Isam in the Stone of Tear.
Amira Moselle: An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah, and therefore aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai. She was Sierin Vayu's Mistress of Novices. After Sierin's death, she became a Sitter for the Red Ajah, but later stepped down. She was one of the Aes Sedai sent by Elaida to capture Rand. She was killed at Dumai's Wells.
Amira Paendrag: One of the daughters of Artur Hawkwing and his first wife, Amaline. She had a twin brother, Modair, as well as another sister and brother. She, her mother and two of her siblings were poisoned; some people claim that Bonwhin Meraighdin had a hand in their deaths.
Amondrid Osiellin: A nobleman from Cairhien. He was a supporter of Colavaere, though he now supports Rand.
Amylia: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah; it is not certain whether she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai or Elaida's Aes Sedai. She is a teacher for the Atha'an Miere.
Amys: An Aiel woman of the Nine Valleys Taardad. She is the Wise One at Cold Rocks Hold. Before becoming a Wise One, she was a Maiden of the Spear. She is married to Rhuarc and is sister-wife to Lian.
Anaiya: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah, and therefore aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She was bonded to Setagana. She was one of the original group of leaders in Salidar. She was killed by Aran'gar/Halima.
Anaiyella Narencelona: One of the High Ladies of Tear. She is a follower of Rand. She is with Darlin in Tear when Rand returns and seems to be involved with Weiramon.
Anan, Frielle: One of Jasfer and Setalle's daughters
Anan, Jasfer: Setalle Anan's wife. A fisherman
Anan, Leral: The youngest of Jasfer and Setalle's daughters.
Anan, Marah: The eldest of Jasfer and Setalle's daughters.
Anan, Ross: Jasfer and Setalle Anan's son
Anan, Setalle: A former Aes Sedai who went to Ebou Dar after being burned out
Ananda: An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah. She is killed when the White Tower splits.
Anarina Todande: A historical character; she was a Queen of Altara.
Anasai: A famed poet
Andaya Forae: An Aes Sedai of and Sitter for the Gray Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai. She is originally from Tarabon. She summons Egwene to be the new Amyrlin Seat Anath Dorje: See Semirhage.
Andaya Murasaka: A woman who works for Valan Luca's circus. She is an acrobat and is supposedly the sister of five other acrobats, one of them named Kuan.
Ander Corl: A man from Taien in the Jangai Pass. He is married to Aril Corl.
Ander Tol: A man from a farm in Cairhien.
Andere: A Malkieri who joins Lan.
Anderly, Sashalle: An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah, stilled at Dumai's Wells who sore fealty to Rand.
Andhilin: An Aiel woman of the Red Salt Goshien. She was a Maiden of the Spear. She died in the service of Rand.
Andiama, Estean: A Tairen noble, son of High Lord Torean and an officer in the Band of the Red Hand.
Andiama, Torean: A High Lord of Tear of dubious loyalty to Rand.
Andil: A woman from the city of Cairhien. She is a cook who works in the Sun Palace.
Andomeran, Rianna: An Aes Sedai of the White and Black Ajah. She survives the Last Battle, only to be captured in a stedding
Andric: The King of Tarabon. He was killed by the Seanchan.
Andril, Master: A man mentioned in a song heard by Mat and Tuon in Maderin
Andris: A man from Illian. He is one of Sammael's servants.
Andro: Bonded to Meilyn Arganya. Because Meilyn was murdered by the Black Ajah, Andro likely was, as well.
Androl Genhald: A man from Tarabon. He is an Asha'man who holds the rank of Dedicated. He excels at making gateways.
Anemara: An Accepted of the White Tower.
Anghar: A man from Seanchan. He is a soldier.
Anghara: A historical character; an Amyrlin Seat.
Angla: Either a novice or an Accepted who is with the rebel Aes Sedai.
Anhara, Ryn: A scientist who stays at Rand's Academy in Cairhien.
Anhill, Clarine: A woman who works in Valan Luca's menagerie as a dog trainer. She is married to Petra Anhill.
Anhill, Petra: A man who worked as a strongman Valan Luca's menagerie. He later works for the Seanchan, checking the identities of those wishing to enter Ebou Dar. He is married to Clarine Anhill.
Anjen: Bonded to Leane Sharif. He was killed about fifteen years ago.
Ankaer: A nobleman from Arad Doman. He is Dragonsworn, but aligns with Rodel and is still with him when Rand sets Rodel to guarding the Blight.
Anla the Wise Counselor: A fictional character, possibly a historical character from another Age. There are many stories about her.
Anlee: An Aes Sedai of and Sitter for the Blue Ajah. She is possibly dead, as she was a character in "New Spring" and is never mentioned again in the series.
Annah: A soldier in the White Tower army
Annallin, Dalthanes: A nobleman from Cairhien.
Annallin, Daricain: A young nobleman from Cairhien.
Annharid: An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She is one of the Aes Sedai sent back to the White Tower to spread rumors about Logain and the Red Ajah. She is found out and forced to swear fealty to Doesine, Pevara, Saerin, Seaine and Yukiri and to help them hunt the Black Ajah.
Annoura Larisen: An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah, aligned with neither the rebel Aes Sedai nor Elaida's Aes Sedai. She is the Aes Sedai advisor of Berelain sur Paendrag. She accompanies Berelain and Perrin to Ghealdan and then to Malden, Altara.
Anselan: A historical character; he lived during the Trolloc Wars and was the Warder of Barashelle.
Antail: An Asha'man skilled with Healing who Rand sends to fight alongside Rodel.
Anthelle Sharplyn: A noblewoman from Andor. She is the High Seat of House Sharplyn. She supports Elayne Trakand for the Lion Throne.
Antol: The heir to the throne of Kandor. He is the eldest son of Queen Ethenielle and Prince-Consort Brys. He has four younger brothers, one of them Diryk, and two sisters, one of them Jarene.
Anvaere Damodred: A noblewoman from Cairhien. She is one of Moiraine's older sisters.
Anya: A woman from Chachin, Kandor. She works in the Tarasin Palace.
Ara: A man from Baerlon, Andor. He works at the Stag and Lion inn.
Aracome: One of the High Lords of Tear. He was killed in battle against the Seanchan.
Arad: A historical character; likely a king of Manetheren.
Aram: A young man of the Tuatha'an. He was the grandson of Raen and Ila. He abandoned the Tuatha'an to follow Perrin Aybara. He was later killed while attacking Perrin because he listened too much to Masema and, thinking that Perrin was a Darkfriend, tried to kill him.
Aran: son of Malan son of Senar: A historical character; he was an Ogier. He was a writer who had some theories about Ishamael not being bound.
Aran'gar: The female reincarnation of Balthamel. She takes the disguise of Halima Saranov, the secretary of Delana Mosalaine, in order to keep an eye on Egwene and the rebels. She and Delana leave the rebel camp in "Knife of Dreams" to avoid the rebels finding out who they really are.
Aranvor Naldwinn: The Captain-General of the Queen's Guard of Andor. He fought during the Aiel War, but was killed on the third day of fighting during the Battle of the Shining Walls.
Arathelle Renshar: A noblewoman from Andor. She is the High Seat of House Renshar. At first, she wished to support Dyelin Taravin for the Lion Throne, but in "Knife of Dreams", she pledged her support to Elayne Trakand.
Aravine Carnel: A woman from Amadicia. She was captured by the Shaido and made gai'shain. She has sworn fealty to Faile and escapes with her.
Arebis: An Aes Sedai of undetermined Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai. Ared Mosinel: See Rahvin.
Areina Nermasiv: A Hunter of the Horn. She goes to Salidar with Elayne and Nynaeve. She and Nicola later run away to the White Tower.
Arel Malevin: A man from Cairhien. He is an Asha'man. He has bonded Aisling Noon.
Arendor Haevin: A nobleman from Andor. He is the guardian of Catalyn Haevin, the High Seat of House Haevin.
Arent: An Ogier man. He is an Elder of Stedding Shangtai. He is Loial's father.
Aried: An Ogier man. Arganda: See Gerard Arganda.
Aril Corl: A woman from Taien in the Jangai Pass. She is married to Ander Corl. She is Tal Nethin's sister.
Arilinde Branstrom: A noblewoman from Andor. She supports Elayne Trakand for the Lion Throne.
Arilyn Dhulaine: A noblewoman from Cairhien.
Arin: A man from Baerlon, Andor. He works as a gateman.
Arinvar: A man from Cairhien. He is bonded to Sheriam Bayanar.
Arlen Nalaam: A man from Arad Doman. He is an Asha'man who holds the rank of Soldier.
Arlene: A woman who works as a maid for Arymilla Marne; she is therefore likely Andoran.
Arnin: A man from Ebou Dar, Altara. He is a thug who is hired by Ispan and Falion.
Arrata: A woman from Seanchan. She is a soldier.
Arrela Shiego: A woman from Tear. She is one of the young Tairens who wish to be like the Aiel and is a member of the Cha Faile society. She was captured, along with Faile and the others, by the Shaido and made gai'shain. She later escapes with the others. Her Shaido lover is killed in the fighting.
Artur Paendrag Tanreall: Also known as Artur Hawkwing. He was a king before the War of the Hundred Years who united all the nations of the Westlands under his rule. His death began the War of the Hundred Years.
Arwin: One of the Younglings who follow Gawyn Trakand.
Arymilla Marne: A noblewoman from Andor. She is the High Seat of House Marne. She becomes Elayne Trakand's main competitor for the Lion Throne. In "Knife of Dreams", she is captured by Elayne's forces.
Asan Sandair: A man from Cairhien. He is a soldier.
Ashelin: A girl from Altara. She is a novice in the White Tower.
Ashin: A man from Cairhien. He works as a servant for Barthanes Damodred.
Ashmanaille: An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah; she is aligned with the Rebel Aes Sedai.
Asidim Faisar: A Whitecloak.
Asmodean: One of the Forsaken; his name before turning to the Shadow was Joar Addam Nessosin. He was captured by Rand, with Lanfear's help, and forced to teach Rand about saidin. He was later killed; his murderer(s) is/are not known, though many people favor Graendal.
Asne Zeramene: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. She was also a member of the Black Ajah. She fled the White Tower with Liandrin and eleven other members of the Black Ajah. She had four Warders, one of then named Powl, and was originally from Saldaea. She was killed when Elayne's forces showed up to rescue her from the Black Ajah in "Knife of Dreams".
Asra: A woman from Arad Doman. She is a member of the Kin. She accompanies Elayne, Nynaeve and company to Caemlyn in Andor.
Asseil: A woman from Tarabon. She is an Accepted of the White Tower.
Assid Bakuun: A man from Seanchan. He is a commander.
Astara: A historical character; she was Queen of Andor from FY 1073 to FY 1085.
Astelle al'Seen: A woman from the Two Rivers in Andor.
Astoril Damara: One of the High Lords of Tear. His daughter is Medore Damara. He supports Rand.
Astrelle: An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai. Asunawa: See Rhadam Asunawa.
Atal Mishraile: An Asha'man who follows Taim.
Atal: A man from Seanchan. He is a clerk.
Athan Chandin: A man from the Two Rivers in Andor. He accompanies Perrin from the Two Rivers to Caemlyn, Cairhien, Ghealdan and then to Malden, Altara.
Athan Dearn: A man from the Two Rivers in Andor.
Atuan Larisett: An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai. She is also a member of the Black Ajah. She is originally from Tarabon. Her allegiance to the Black Ajah is found out by Doesine, Pevara, Saerin, Seaine and Yukiri, and she is forced to swear an oath of fealty to them. She is out of the Tower when the Black Ajah flee.
Auaine Fanwar: A Shienaran woman married to Renald Fanwar.
Aurana: A girl from Seanchan. She is one of the daughters of the Empress and one of Tuon's sisters. She was killed by Semirhage.
Avar Hachami: A man from Saldaea. He is bonded and possibly married to Myrelle Berengari. He was previously bonded to another Aes Sedai, but after her death, Myrelle saved him.
Avene Sahera: A woman from Ravinda, Kandor. She has ten children, the youngest named Migel. She was one of the woman on Moiraine's list of possible mothers of the Dragon Reborn.
Avi Shendar: A man from Mardecin, Amadicia.
Aviellin: An Aiel woman. She is a Maiden of the Spear. She accompanies Perrin and the others to Ghealdan and then Malden, Altara.
Aviendha: An Aiel woman of the Nine Valleys Taardad. She was a Maiden of the Spear before becoming an apprentice Wise One. She is Elayne's first-sister and in love with Rand al'Thor. She is travelling to Rhuidean to pass through the stone columns and become a Wise One.
Avin: A man from Baerlon, Andor. He is a gateman.
Awlsten: An Ash'aman with Rodel
Ayako Norsoni: An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai. She is one of the Aes Sedai sent with Toveine to capture the Black Tower, but is instead captured herself and forcibly bonded by Donalo Sandomere.
Aynal, Widow: A historical character; she was a woman from the Two Rivers. There is a meadow named after her, though no one can remember which Widow Aynal it was.
Azi al'Thone: A man from the Two Rivers in Andor.
Azil Mareed: A man from Arad Doman. He was the High Captain of the Tower Guard during the time of the Aiel War.
Azille Narof: A historical character; she was an Aes Sedai who lived shortly after the Breaking of the World.
Azril: A woman from Caemlyn, Andor. She works at an inn named Culain's Hound.