Character Glossary C
Author: Atarah al'Norahn
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Caar One-Hand: A historical character; he was a King of Manetheren, the son of Thorin and the father of Aemon. He was married to Rhea, who killed him and then herself.
Caban: A man from Seanchan. He is a soldier.
Cabriana Mecandes: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. She was originally from Tear and had a Warder, name unspecified. She was killed by Semirhage.
Cadsuane Melaidhrin: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah; she is aligned with neither the rebel Aes Sedai nor Elaida's Aes Sedai. She is legendary and therefore most sisters defer to her. She is Rand's Aes Sedai advisor.
Caiden: A member of the Kin. She accompanies Elayne, Nynaeve and company to Caemlyn.
Cail: A man from Cairhien. He is one of Kin Tovere's apprentice lens makers.
Caira: A woman from Ebou Dar, Altara. She works at the Wandering Woman inn.
Cairdin: An Aiel man of the Moshaine Shaido. He is a member of the Far Aldazar Din (Brothers of the Eagle) society. He is likely dead or gai'shain.
Caire din Gelyn Running Wave: An Atha'an Miere woman. She is Pelanna's Windfinder. Her daughter is Talaan din Gelyn and her sister is Tebreille din Gelyn South Wind.
Cairen: A noblewoman from Altara. She lives in Malden.
Cal: A man from Chachin, Kandor. He works at the Aesdaishar Palace.
Caldin: An Aiel man. He is a member of the Hama N'dore (Mountain Dancers) society.
Calian the Chooser: A historical character; she is one of the Heroes of the Horn. Her brother is Shivan the Hunter.
Calindin: A woman from Tarabon. She is an Accepted with the rebel Aes Sedai.
Calisen: A guard in the Royal Palace in Andor
Calle Coplin: A woman from the Two Rivers in Andor.
Callie: A woman from Ebou Dar, Altara. She was a Wise Woman and a member of the Kin. She was murdered by Falion and Ispan.
Callswell: A Domani Lord that Ramshalan was heard boasting to that he could manipulate Rand.
Calwyn Sutoma: A man from Ebou Dar in Altara. He is a bellfounder.
Camaille Nolaisen: A noblewoman from Cairhien. She is Barmanes Nolaisen's sister. She is one of the young Cairhienin who wish to be like the Aiel and is a member of the Cha Faile society. She accompanies Perrin and Faile to Ghealdan and then to Malden, Altara.
Camar: An Aiel man of the Bent Peak Daryne. He is the leader of the Seia Doon (Black Eyes) society.
Camrin, Master: A man from Maderin, Altara. He is a merchant.
Candeiar: A Child of the Light good with wounds
Caniedrin: A man from Kandor. He fought with Lan during the Aiel War. He was killed when he tried to attack Lan, Moiraine, Bukama and Ryne.
Canin: He owns a ship named the Darter.
Canler: A man from Andor. He is an Asha'man who holds the rank of Dedicated.
Canvele: A Whitecloak.
Cara: A woman from Andor. She is Alteima's maid when she moves to Andor.
Carahuin: An Aiel woman. She is a Maiden of the Spear.
Caraighan Maconar: A historical character; she was a famous Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. She was bonded to Lord Mangore Kiramin of Aramaelle.
Caralin: A woman from Kore Springs, Andor.
Caraline Damodred: A noblewoman from Cairhien. She is the High Seat of House Damodred. She is Moiraine's cousin. She is fated to marry Darlin Sisnera, according to a viewing of Min's.
Careane Fransi: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She is also a member of the Black Ajah. She is originally from Arad Doman and is bonded to Cieryl Arjuna, Tavan, and Venr Kosaan. She is one of the Aes Sedai sent by the rebels as an embassy to Queen Tylin and to search for the Bowl of the Winds. On the way to Caemlyn, she murders Adeleas and Ispan, and is later killed by Vandene.
Careen: An Aiel woman. She is a Maiden of the Spear.
Carelle: An Aiel woman. She is a Wise One. She accompanies Perrin to Ghealdan and then to Malden, Altara.
Careme Mowly: A woman from Murandy. She had a daughter, Ellya, during the Aiel War.
Carenna: An Aes Sedai of undetermined Ajah; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai.
Carewin Damodred: A former Queen of Cairhien. She was Moiraine's grandmother.
Cariandre: An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah, and therefore aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai. She is originally from Ghealdan. She is one of Egwene's guards during the Gathering Storm
Carilo: The Warder of one of the Aes Sedai sent by Elaida to capture Rand.
Carin: A woman from Ebou Dar, Altara. She works in the Tarasin Palace.
Carleon: One of the High Lords of Tear. He and Alteima were lovers. He was killed by Tedosian while hunting, supposedly an accident.
Carlin Aybara: A man from the Two Rivers in Andor. He was married to Neain and had two children; he was Perrin's uncle. He died before the start of the series.
Carlinya: An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She was one of the group of original leaders in Salidar.
Carlomin: A nobleman from Tear. He is a member of the Band of the Red Hand.
Carlon Belcelona: A nobleman from Tear. He is one of the young Tairens who wish to be like the Aiel, and is a member of the Cha Faile society.
Carlya: Elaida's maid.
Carlys Ankarin: A noblewoman from Andor. She supported Elenia Sarand for the Lion Throne.
Carn: A sailor on a ship named the Spray. He was murdered by an unknown assailant in Illian.
Carney: He owns a ship named the Bluewing.
Carniele: An Aes Sedai of undetermined Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai. She is one of the Aes Sedai sent to capture the Black Tower, but is instead captured herself and forcibly bonded.
Caseille Raskovni: A woman from Arafel. She was a merchant's guard before becoming one of the Queen's Guards in Andor.
Cassin: An Aiel man of the Goshien clan. He is a member of the Aethan Dor (Red Shields) society.
Catala Lucanvalle: A historical character; an Amyrlin Seat raised from the Yellow Ajah.
Catalyn Haevin: A noblewoman from Andor. She is the High Seat of House Haevin. She supports Elayne Trakand for the Lion Throne.
Catlynde Artein: A historical character; an Aes Sedai who lived shortly after the Breaking of the World.
Catrelle Mosenain: A woman from Maerone, Cairhien. She was killed by Daved Hanlon.
Catrine: A woman from Tremonsien, Cairhien. She works at an inn named The Nine Rings.
Catrona: A woman from Seanchan. She is a sul'dam.
Cavan Lopar: A man from the city of Tear. He owns an inn named The White Crescent.
Cavandra: An Aes Sedai of undermined Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai. She was the Aes Sedai advisor of Queen Tylin of Altara, but returned to the White Tower after the split.
Cedora: A woman living in Ebou Dar, Altara. She works for the Kin.
Ceiline Noreman: A woman from Shol Arbela, Arafel. Her husband was a merchant before he died.
Celark: A Youngling who joins the Tower Guard and is killed defending the Amyrling.
Celebrain: A woman in the Andoran army sent off to almost certain death as a decoy for Elayne
Celestin: An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She was one of the rebels sent back to the White Tower to spread rumors about Logain and the Red Ajah, but was found out and forced to swear fealty to Doesine, Pevara, Saerin, Seaine and Yukiri, and to help them in their hunt for the Black Ajah.
Cemaile Sorenthaine: A historical character; an Amyrlin Seat raised from the Gray Ajah.
Cemeille din Selaan Long Eyes: An Atha'an Miere. She is the Shipmetress of Wind Racer.
Cenn Buie: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers, Andor. He is the thatcher and a member of the Village Council.
Cera Doinal: A woman from Cairhien. She works in the Sun Palace.
Ceran Tol: A historical character; he was an artist.
Cerandin: A woman from Seanchan. She is a s'redit trainer who was stranded in Tarabon. She joined Valan Luca's circus and traveled with him to Ebou Dar, where she was restored to her people.
Ceri: A woman from Cairhien. She works in Lady Arilyn's palace.
Cerilla Marodred: A historical character; an Amyrlin Seat raised from the Gray Ajah.
Cerindra: A woman from Tanchico, Tarabon. She was one of the Panarch's servants before she was fired for theft.
Cetalia Delarme: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. She was in charge of the Blue Ajah's eyes-and-ears. She is likely either retired or dead, because Siuan later took over Cetalia's position. She is originally from Tarabon.
Chaelin: An Aiel Woman of the Smoke Water Miagoma. She is a Wise One.
Chaena: A man from Shienar. He is a soldier.
Chai Rugan: A member of the Black Ajah on Verin's list
Challenge: Gawyn's horse
Chanelle din Seran White Shark: An Atha'an Miere woman. She is one of the Windfinders left behind in Caemlyn to aid Elayne.
Changu: A man from Shienar. He was a soldier and a Darkfriend. He was killed after the Horn of Valere was stolen from Fal Dara.
Charel: A man who worked in the Tar Valon stables. He has a twin sister named Marel.
Charendin: A historical character; he was an Aiel sept chief while Rhuidean was being built.
Charl Gedwyn: An Asha'man who followed Taim. He was killed by Padan Fain in Far Madding.
Charlin: A historical character; he was one of the Jenn Aiel who lived after the Breaking of the World. His mother was Nerrine and his siblings were Alijha and Colline. He was killed trying to rescue his sister from bandits.
Charlz Guybon: A man from Andor. He rides to Elayne's aid with almost ten thousand soldiers, and is made Birgitte's second in the Queen's Guards. Elayne is considering bonding him.
Charn: A pikeman killed fighting Sharans
Charn: A historical character; he was an Aiel man who lived during the War of Power. He was hanged because he served Lanfear.
Charral: A woman from Seanchan. She is a damane.
Chaser: A man who frequents the Seven Striped Lass in Caemlyn who is a source of local rumours.
Chel Vanin: A man from Maerone, Andor. He is a member of the Band of the Red Hand.
Chenda: An Aiel woman of the Jenda Tomanelle. She is the roofmistress of Mainde Cut Hold.
Chesa: One of Egwene's maids after she is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. She is the only one not killed by Aran'gar and is pleased at Egwene's return
Chesmal Emry: An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah; she is also a member of the Black Ajah. She is originally from Ghealdan. She fled the White Tower with Liandrin and eleven other members of the Black Ajah. She was captured by Elayne in "Knife of Dreams".
Chet: An old man in Caemlyn
Chiad: An Aiel woman of the Stones River Goshien. She is a Maiden of the Spear. She is first-sister to Bain and in love with Gaul. She accompanies Perrin and Faile to the Two Rivers, then to Caemlyn, Cairhien and into Ghealdan, where she is captured by the Shaido. She becomes Gaul's gai'shain when Perrin rescues his wife.
Chianmai: A man from Seanchan. He was a Banner-General in the army. He was killed during one of the battles against Rand's forces.
Chiape: The Sh'boan of Shara. She is married to Shaofan. She is now one of Graendal's pets.
Chiarid: An Aiel woman. She is a Maiden of the Spear.
Chilares Arman: A woman from Murandy. She is a member of the Kin. She works as a rug-seller in Ebou Dar. She accompanies Elayne, Nynaeve and company to Caemlyn.
Chimal: A woman from Seanchan. She is one of the daughters of the Empress Radhanan and the sister of Aurana, Ravashi and Tuon. She was murdered by Semirhage.
Chin Akima: The owner of a menagerie. He was killed by the Prophet's people.
Chin Ellisor: A man from Tar Valon. He owns a ship named the Blue Crane.
Chion: An Aiel woman. She was a Maiden of the Spear before being taken gai'shain. She was killed by a Draghkar at Cold Rocks Hold.
Chisaine Nurbaya: An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah, and therefore aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai. She was one of the Aes Sedai sent by Elaida to capture Rand, but was instead captured herself and forced to swear fealty to Rand.
Chisen: A man from Seanchan. He is a general in the Ever Victorious Army.
Chowin Tsao: A historical character; an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. She was Artur Hawkwing's Aes Sedai advisor.
Chulein: A woman from Seanchan. She is a morat'raken.
Chuonde: An Aiel woman of the Spine Ridge Miagoma. She was a Maiden of the Spear. She was killed in the fighting at Dumai's Wells.
Cian do Mehon a'Macansa: A noblewoman from Murandy.
Cian: A woman from Tear.
Ciar: A sul'dam present when Semirhage attacked Rand while posing as the Daughter of the Nine Moons.
Ciel: A woman from Baerlon, Andor. She works at an inn named the Stag and Lion.
Cieryl Arjuna: A man from Tear. He is bonded to Careane Fransi. Because he rushed into the house of the Black Ajah after Careane's death, he is likely dead.
Cilia Cole: A young woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers, Andor. She has the ability to channel, but is too old to go to the White Tower.
Cinda: A woman from Baerlon, Andor. She works at the Stag and Lion inn.
Cinny Wade: A person mentioned in the song "The marriage of Cinny Wade".
Cirri: A cat who lives at the Stag and Lion inn in Baerlon.
Clara: A novice in the White Tower who Egwene recruits to help defend against the Seanchan attack.
Clare: A woman mat meets at the Seven Striped Lass in Caemlyn.
Clarine Anhill: A woman who works in Valan Luca's menagerie as a dog trainer. She is married to Petra Anhill.
Classen Bayor: A historical general
Clintock: A member of the Band of the Red Hand who was assigned duty of checking on Mat
Coedelin: An Aiel Woman. She is a Wise One.
Coerid Nosar: A historical character; a King of Almoren.
Coiam: An Ogier man.
Coine din Jubai Wild Winds: A woman of the Atha'an Miere. She is the Sailmistress of the Wavedancer. Her husband is Toram and her sister is Jorin.
Coiren Saeldain: An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai. She was one of the Aes Sedai sent by Elaida to capture Rand, but was instead captured herself and forced to swear fealty to Rand.
Coke: A man from Illian. He is a brigand.
Col: A man from Tear. He works in Valan Luca's menagerie as a horse-handler.
Coladara: An Aes Sedai of undetermined Ajah; she is aligned with neither the rebel Aes Sedai nor Elaida's Aes Sedai. She is the Aes Sedai advisor of Paitar Nachiman of Arafel, and accompanies him to his meeting with the other Borderland rulers in the Black Hills.
Colar Najima: A girl from Canluum, Kandor. Her parents are Jurine and Josef Najima, and her siblings are Eselle, Jerid, and two other brothers.
Colavaere Saighan: A noblewoman from Cairhien. After Rand was captured by Elaida's embassy, she took the throne of Cairhien. She was stripped of her rank and exiled when Rand returned, but hanged herself rather than being exiled.
Cold Water: A wolf.
Colinda: An Aiel woman of the Shaarad clan. She is a Wise One for Hot Springs hold.
Coline: A woman from Caemlyn, Andor. She works as a cook at The Queen's Blessing inn.
Collaris: A woman from Tanchico, Tarabon. She was Beonin's grandmother. She was a noted advocate.
Colline: A historical character; she was one of the Jenn Aiel who lived after the Breaking of the World. Her mother was Nerrine and her siblings were Alijha and Charlin.
Colly Garren: A man from the Two Rivers in Andor. He was killed by Trollocs.
Com: A boy from Tear.
Comaelle: A historical character; she was a High Queen of Jaramide.
Comar: A nobleman from Andor. He is a Darkfriend. Mat killed him because he was instructed to kill Elayne.
Comarra Zepava: A historical character; an Amyrlin Seat raised from the Blue Ajah.
Comran: A historical character; he was an Aiel during the Breaking of the World. His grandfather was Rhodric, his grandson was Mandein and he is one of Rand's ancestors.
Con Aybara: A man from the Two Rivers in Andor. His wife was Joslyn and his children were Adora, Deselle, Paetram and Perrin Aybara. He was killed by Padan Fain.
Conail Northan: A nobleman from Andor. He is the High Seat of House Northan. He supports Elayne Trakand for the Lion Throne.
Connel: One of Rodel Ituralde's guards who survived the Trollocs outside Maradon.
Connl: A member of the Band of the Red Hand.
Coram: An Aiel man.
Corana: An Aiel woman. She is a Maiden of the Spear. She feels that the capture of the Wise Ones by the Seanchan is enough to declare blood feud against them.
Corbet: A soldier in the Younglings.
Cords: A watch sergeant with Gareth Bryne's army.
Corehuin: An Aiel woman of the Daryne clan. She is married to Mandelain and is Jair's sister-wife.
Corele Hovian: An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah; she is aligned with neither the rebel Aes Sedai nor Elaida's Aes Sedai, but is a follower of Cadsuane. Her Warder is Damer Flinn. She is originally from Murandy.
Corelna: An Aiel woman. She is a Wise One.
Corevin: A man from Cairhien. He was a member of the Band of the Red Hand. He was killed in Ebou Dar.
Corgaide Marendevin: A woman from Cairhien. She is the Holder of the Keys at the Sun Palace.
Corianin Nedeal: A historical character; she was an Aes Sedai who studied dream ter'angreal and was the last known Dreamer in the White Tower.
Coride: A novice of the White Tower.
Corin Ayellin: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers, Andor.
Corlan Dashiva: The disguise that Osan'gar takes within the Black Tower.
Cormalinde Masoon: A historical character; a sculptor in the Age of Legends.
Corman: An Aiel man of the Mosaada Goshien. He is a member of the Far Aldazar Din society.
Cormanes: A nobleman from Cairhien.
Corvila: A woman from Altara. She is a weaver. She was captured by the Shaido, but escaped when Faile was freed.
Cosain: An Aiel woman of the Spine Ridge Miagoma. She is a Wise One.
Coteren: An Asha'man, one of Taim's cronies
Couladin: An Aiel man of the Domai Shaido. He was a member of the Seia Doon society. His first-brother was Muradin. He claimed to be the Car'a'carn, and many of the Aiel believed him. He was killed by Mat.
Coulin: The Master at Arms in the White Tower. He was killed by Gawyn during the split in the Tower.
Coumin: A historical character; he was an Aiel during the War of Power. His father's grandfather was Charn, his son was Jonai and he is one of Rand's ancestors.
Coura: An Ogier woman.
Covanen: An arithmetician.
Covarla Baldene: An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah, and therefore aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai. She is one of the Aes Sedai sent by Elaida to capture Rand. She manages to escape capture at Dumai's Wells and makes her way back to Tar Valon. Elaida sends her to Dorlan where she remains
Covril: An Ogier female. She is Loial's mother.
Cowin Gemallan: Also known as Cowin Fairheart. He was a nobleman from Malkier, and also a Darkfriend. He was responsible for Lain Mandragoran, brother of the king, being killed in the Blight. He was captured by Jain Farstrider and killed in combat by al'Akir Mandragoran.
Cowinde: An Aiel woman. She was a Maiden of the Spear before becoming gai'shain to Melaine. She refuses to put off the white even though her time as gai'shain is up.
Cowlin: A nobleman from Altara. He is the lord of So Harbor.
Coy: A brigand in Kandor.
Creator, The: The name given to the creator of the world, the Wheel and the Pattern. The creator is the antithesis of the Dark One.
Creedin: A Captain in Rodel's army
Cristol: A historical character; a First Lord of Essenia.
Croi Makin: A man from Andor. He is bonded and possibly married to Myrelle Berengari.
Cuale: A man from Cairhien. He owns an inn named the Defender of the Dragonwall.
Cuellar: An Asha'man of unknown rank
Culain: A historical character; he was a general in Aldeshar.
Culen: A nobleman from Mindea, Murandy. He is a Hunter for the Horn.
Culhan Carand: A nobleman from Andor. He is married to Aemlyn Carand.
Cumere Powys: A woman from Far Madding. She is one of the Counsels of Far Madding.
Cutaris: A soldier with Rodel in Saldaea
Cyndane: The reincarnation of Lanfear. She serves Moridin.
Cyprien: A woman from Far Madding. She is one of the Counsels of Far Madding.
Cyril Wynn: A boy from Murandy. His mother is Susa Wynn. He was born during the Aiel War.