Towers of Midnight Character List
Characters appearing in or mentioned in the Towers of Midnight.
First Mention
Characters that are not mentioned in any of the previous books
Characters we Meet
Adim: Graeger's thirteen year old son
Aeric Botteger: A man from the Two Rivers Nynaeve sees during her Aes Sedai test
Alaabar Harnesh: A Lord Captain of the Children of the Light with Rhadam Asunawa. He joins Galad after Asunawa orders Galad imprisoned.
Alarch: One of Aviendha and Rand's sons
Alalved: A future chief of the Tomanelle Aiel
Alin: A cavalryleader with Rodel in Saldaea
Alrom Marsim: A historical author who wrote on the War of the Shadow
Andere: A Malkieri who joins Lan
Antail: An Asha'man skilled with Healing who Rand sends to fight alongside Rodel
Azi al'Thone: A man from the Two Rivers in Andor
Barettal: One of Rodel's guards
Barlett: A scout in the children of the Light who betrays Galad to Asunawa.
Barriga: A merchant intending to visit Heeth Tower in Kandor
Bavin Rockshaw: Perrin's quartermaster, who is corrupt, but no more than expected of a quartermaster
Berab Golever: A Lord Captain of the Children of the Light with Rhadam Asunawa. He joins Galad after Asunawa orders Galad imprisoned.
Boundless: A wolf, formerly Noam
Brandel Vordarian: A Lord Captain of the children of the Light who initially sides with Asunawa but joins Galad.
Bromas: the Innkeeper of the Two Apples in Caemlyn
Bernherd: A Tairen who is the Innkeeper of the Dead Man's Breath in Caemlyn
Calison: A guard in the Royal Palace in Andor
Candeiar: A Child of the Light good with wounds
Celark: A Youngling who joins the Tower Guard and is killed defending the Amyrling.
Challenge: Gawyn's horse
Chaser: A man who frequents the Seven Striped Lass in Caemlyn who is a source of local rumours.
Chet: An old man in Caemlyn
Clare: A woman mat meets at the Seven Striped Lass in Caemlyn.
Clintock: A member of the Band of the Red Hand who was assigned duty of checking on Mat
Connel: One of Rodel Ituralde's guards who survived the Trollocs outside Maradon.
Coteren: An Asha'man, one of Taim's cronies
Creedin: A Captain in Rodel's army
Cutaris: A soldier with Rodel in Saldaea
Darvin: A future Clan Chief of the Reyn Aiel
Dawnweave: A warhorse given to Rodel. It is killed by a trolloc spear.
Daylight: Faile's horse
Deepe Bhadar: An Asha'man with Rodel Ituralde in Saldaea
Denezel: An Innkeeper in Caemlyn who is almost Dragonsworn
Denton: A minor Cairhienin lord, taken gai'shain by the Shaido and freed by Perrin
Durnham: A Domani recruited by Rand to head the reformed city guard in Bandar Eban
Elandria Borndat: A historical author
Evasni: A Maiden of the spear who guards Rand in Saldaea
Farnah: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah raised to Sitter
Fennel: A farrier with Perrin
Firewisp: The horse Edesina rides
Flern: A man in one of Aviendha's visions of the future
Garamund: A Saldaean noble and one of Graendal's pets who is killed when Natrin's Barrow is destroyed.
Garlvan: One of Norlesh and Metalan's children that we see in Aviendha's visions of the future
Glimmer: A horse ridden by Elayne
Grayor Fenn: A boy from the Two Rivers with Perrin
Gufrin: A Sergeant with the Band who tells Mat the Aes Sedai have returned.
Hahn: Graeger's fifteen year old son
Harvell: A member of the Band of the Red Hand wounded by street thugs while Mat is waiting for the gholam
Hatch: The innkeeper of The Dusty Wheel.
Heidia: A Maiden of the Spear who is one of the two guards Rand takes with him when he returns to Bandar Eban
Hehyal: A Dawn Runner and clan chief of the Taardad Aiel sixty years after the Last Battle.
Helmke: A soldier with Rodel in Saldaea
Ianor: A Shienaran who joins Lan with Weilin, Managan and Gorenellin.
Ifeyina One of the two Maidens that goes with Rand when he battles the Shadowspawn outside of Maradon
Janduin: Janduin is one of Aviendha and Rand's children.
Jargen: A Sergeant in Heeth Tower in Kandor
Jarr: A mercenary who joins Perrin.
Jerum Nus: A member of the Children of the Light wounded in the battle where Trollocs attacked the Whitecloak camp on the Jehannah Road.
Joao: A Shienaran who joins Lan
Jonneth Dowtry: A man from the Two Rivers who is recruited to the Black Tower by Mazrim Taim.
Jorshem (1): An Aiel known by Malidra.
Jorshem (2): A Clan Chief in one of Aviendha's visions through the Glass Columns
Kalia Bent: One of the Queensguard
Kainea: A Maiden of the Spear who was resent in Tear when Rand returned form telling Egwene he intended to break the Seals. Rand sends her to gather messengers.
Kaisal Noramagu: The grandson of Queen Ethenielle of Kandor who joins Lan
Kaisea: A former sul'dam who accepted that she could see weaves and insisted that she be collared as a damane. She tells Gawyn about the Bloodknives
Kanara: A Maiden of the Spear who guards Rand with Somma while he is in Tear
Kappre: A soldier with Rodel in Saldaea
Kati: A serving girl in Caemlyn
Keemlin Rai: A young soldier in Heeth Tower in Kandor
Kema: A member of the Kin and one of the four who escorts Elayne to Cairhien when she travels to claim the Throne.
Kendral: The grandson of king Paitar of Arafel. He joined Lan at the Kandor and Arafel border and invited Kaisal to to the same.
Kevlyn Torr: Kevlyn Torr is a woodsman with Perrin's group.
Kralle: A soldier in Heeth Tower in Kandor
Kuehn: A Shienaran who joins Lan
Ladalin: A descendant of Aviendha and Rand, the last survivor of that lineage.
Landalin: A Lieutenant in Heeth Tower in Kandor.
Lannis: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah who indicated that Mesaana was second only to Demandred in anger
Leeh: An Aiel Maiden. Rand has her and two other Maidens watch Weiramon and Anaiyella after he names them Darkfriends
Lehynen: A Domani beggar who is recruited into the reformed City guard for Bandar Eban
Lorstrum Aesnan: A Cairhienin nobleman who rose in prominence after Rand left Cairhien, gaining influence by taking the middle ground
Malain A member of Bashere's army. He was ordered to organize the cavalry outside of Maradon
Malenarin Rai: The commander of Heeth Tower in Kandor
Malidra: A distant descendant of Aviendha and Rand.
Marek Cormer: A man from the Two Rivers with Perrin
Marinna: One of Rand and Aviendha's daughters.
Lord Mavabwin: A Cairhienin noble of middling power who Elayne thought might be able hinder her taking of the Cairhienin throne
Mazone: A youngling who joins the Tower Guard and is killed protecting Egwene
Meise: One of Norlesh and Metalan's children that we see in Aviendha's visions of the future
Melli Craeb: The Innkeeper of the Seven Striped Lass in Caemlyn.
Merekel: A Shienaran who joins Lan with Weilin, Managan and Gorenellin.
Mestra: A member of the Black Ajah. She is killed in Tel'aran'rhiod
Metalan: An Aiel in one of the visions Aviendha has of the future in the glass columns ter'angreal in Rhuidean
Milis den Shalada Three Stars: A Sea Folk Sailmistress in Bandar Eban
Montem al'San: A member of Perrin's army.
Moonglow: A Tairen mare that Mat gives to Joline when she leaves for the White Tower.
Moor: A farmhand on Graeger's farm.
Mora: A Wise One of the Goshien Aiel and one of the last survivors of the Council of Twenty Two in the future
Mori: A Maiden of the Spear with Perrin who circled the area of the Blight that had moved into Altara.
Nakomi: A mysterious woman Aviendha meets in the Waste while traveling to Rhuidean to pass through the Glass Columns and become a Wise One.
Nashia: a member of the Kin and one of the four who escorts Elayne to Cairhien when she travels to claim the Sun Throne.
Nimri: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah who opens a gateway for Gawyn
Nissa: A young woman recently raised to Accepted.
Norlesh: One of Aviendha and Rand's descendants
Oncala: One of Aviendha and Rand's granddaughters
Padra: One of Aviendha and Rand's daughters
Oak Dancer: The leader of a wolf pack of a good dozen wolves in Tel'aran'rhiod encountered by Perrin
Qi: A Shienaran who joins Lan
Raechin Connoral: A member of the Red Ajah and a Sitter
Ranun Sinah: A Whitecloak killed fighting Trollocs
Rebek: A Domani recruited by Durnham to join the reformed city guard
Reed Soalen A man from the Two Rivers
Redbord: A Domani beggar who is recruited into the reformed City guard for Bandar Eban
Renald Macer: A sergeant in the palace guard in Andor
Rett: One of Rodel's bodyguards, killed outside Maradon
Rising: A tall dun gelding that Birgitte rides when Elayne goes to Cairhien to claim the Sun Throne.
Riddem: A member of the Band of the Red Hand who was killed by the gholam
Rittle: A gambler who plays dice with Mat at The Dusty Wheel and tries to cheat him.
Robb Solter: A Two Rivers man with Perrin. After Perrin proposes parley with the Whitecloaks, Robb rides back to Perrin's tent
Ronam: Rhuarc's son and Clan Chief of the Taardad Aiel seventeen years after the Last Battle.
Rosil: A member of the Yellow Ajah and is the Mistress of Novices after Egwene becomes the Amyrlin.
Rowahn: A distant descendant of Aviendha and Rand
Saddler A gambler who plays dice with Mat at The Dusty Wheel and tries to cheat him.
Sarasia: A member of the Kin and one of the four who escorts Elayne to Cairhien when she travels to claim the Sun Throne.
Scouter: Bulen's packhorse, a white mare purchased by Lan.
Shedren: Clan Chief of the Daryne Aiel seventeen years after the Last Battle.
Slone Maddow: A redarm who was on duty when the gholam killed Lopin. He tells Mat that Olver was with Noal.
Snelle: A gambler who plays dice with Mat at The Dusty Wheel and tries to cheat him.
Snert: The Innkeeper of the Grand Hike. Mat think shim ugly, Birgitte thinks him attractive
Somma: A Maiden of the Spear who guards Rand with Kanara while he is in Tear
Sparks: A wolf, in Oak Dancer's pack, who calls to Perrin in Tel'aran'rhiod,
Staven: One of Rodel Ituralde's bodyguards while he was fighting the Shadowspawn north of Maradon. Rodel sees him die.
Stout: Galad's horse. He is killed by a trolloc spear
Tadvishm: A Stone Dog in one of Aviendha's visions of the future
Talana: Elayne and Rand's granddaughter and queen of Andor about sixty years after the Last Battle.
Takai: The Miagoma Clan Chief in one of Aviendha's visions of the future.
Talva: A member of the Yellow and Black Ajahs, accidentally killed by Alviarin.
Tamaav: One of the Clan Chiefs from one of Aviendha's visions of the future
Tarra: An Aiel and a member of the Taardad clan in Aviendha's visions of the future in the glass columns ter'angreal in Rhuidean.
Tarran: A bow legged man with long moustaches who helped Yoeli depose Vram Torkumen and guarded his room when Rodel visited.
Tava: A distant descendant of Aviendha and Rand
Trost: Trost is a man from the Two Rivers in training at the Black Tower, loyal to Logain.
Turne: A mercenary who joins Perrin
Tymoth: An Asha'man fighting with Rodel in Saldaea
Uso: An farmhand on Graeger's farm
Viria Connoral: an Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah chosen as a Sitter after the re-unification
Vogeler: Vogeler is a member of Bashere's army
Votabek: A Domani beggar who is recruited into the reformed City guard for Bandar Eban
Lady Torkumen: Vram Torkumen's wife and a Darkfriend.
Vram Torkumen: A Saldaean noble and Darkfriend who refused to let Rodel Ituralde into Maradon.
Whelborn: A Domani killed protecting Rodel
Will Reeve A member of the Band of the Red Hand who was killed by the gholam
Yang: A guard or servant of Barriga and is killed by Trollocs on the way to Heeth Tower
Yoeli: A Saldaean who rescued Rodel from the Shadowspawn north of Maradon against orders. He is killed defending the city
Zang: A member of the Younglings who does not want to become a Warder. Gawyn agrees to ask Chubain if he and the others like him can join the Tower Guard.
Zhell: Zhell is an officer in Ituralde's army in the Borderlands.
Characters we do not Meet
Adrinne Bunt: Almen's wife, deceased.
Alysa: Almen Bunt's sister and Graeger's widow.
Bergevin: A quartermaster in the Band of the Red Hand
Belairah: A historical queen of Saldaea
Cinny Wade: A person mentioned in the song "The marriage of Cinny Wade".
Cuellar: An Asha'man of unknown rank
Derry: A member of the Band of the Red Hand, killed by the gholam
Durhem: A cavalry leader with Rodel
Durrent: A man who acts as Perrin's serving man while Lamgwin is absent
Falin Deborsha: A merchant, likely fictional
Finsas: A captain in Rodel's army
Gadren Grady: Jur and Sora Grady's son
Garfin: A one armed Illianer who taught Androl
Gilgame: A man whose advice Lews Therin did not take
Graeger: A farmer, Almen's brother in law, killed by a Bubble of Evil.
Halvate: One of Tuon's brothers
Jethari Moondancer: A former life of Birgitte
Jonasim: A historical Saldaean ruler
Jowdry: A man killed by the gholam.
Lain: A Domani who emplyed Durnham, Votabek and Redbord
Kash: A man of Taim's faction newly arrived at the Black Tower.
Kateri Nepvue: A member of the White Ajah, killed by a Bloodknife assasin
Lathin: A Whitecloak, killed by Hopper in the Stedding
Lyonford: A great monarch in Saldaea who was known to have a temper when challenged.
Mala: A woman who runs an orphanage that Nynaeve visits in her Aes Sedai Test.
Makzim: A warder who leads the training in the White Tower
Meramor: A member of the Yellow Ajah who was one of the few who accepted Nynaeve when she returned to the White Tower.
Morninglight: A wolf in Oak Dancer's pack who calls to Perrin in Tel'aran'rhiod,
Niach Okatomo: The commander of Rena Tower in Kandor
Niere: A member of the Yellow Ajah who was accepting of Nynaeve
Nikiol Dianatkhah: A historical king of Saldaea
Nils: A lieutenant in Ituralde's army.
Noram: A cook in The Band of the Red Hand
Normad: The man in the expression "Normad's Ears"
Notori: A member of the Black Ajah killed in the attack on the Tower in Tel'aran'rhiod
Orator: A Whitecloak who Byar claims would be able to back up his claims of Perrin killing Children of the Light
Ramola: An Aes Sedai of the Black Ajah who is involved in Mesaana's strike on the Tower in Tel'aran'rhiod.
Reo Myershi: A King of Arafel, ancestor to the present King Paitar. From an Aes Sedai in his own family, did he hear a prophecy about the Dragon Reborn
Rossin: A member of Ituralde's army killed inside Maradon
Sammana: A Wise One who lost her mind in tel'aran'rhiod
Sigril: Yoeli's sister and commander of the Lastruders
Soffi Moraton: A member of Perrin's army.
Sorentin: A soldier with Rodel in Saldaea
Tavalad: The Clan Chief of the Goshien Aiel seventeen years after the Last Battle.
Tellindal Tirraso: Tellindal Tirraso was a clerk during the Age of Legends. She was killed by Lews Therin Telamon.
Tess: Melfane's cousin. Her daughter had a baby that barely survived.
Tham Felmley: A brickmason who lived in Caemlyn during Queen Morgase's reign. He was hanged for a murder he did not commit.
Thum: either a soldier or servant of Barriga and is killed by Trollocs on the way to Heeth Tower.
Tian: A soldier in Heeth Tower in Kandor
Torven Rikshan: A Cairhienin lord who is in Perrin's army.
Varkel Tius: A member of Perrin's army who complains about others in the army receiving preferential treatment
Villiam Bloodletter: A commander that lived long ago. He once fought against the Banath People
Walishen: A Princess from the tale the Marriage and Death of Princess Walishen
Whisperer: A wolf
Wil (3): Perrin's cousin
Yabeth: Tian's mother
Yakobin: the Undaunted
Yamwick: One of the Whitecloaks killed by Perrin while he and Egwene were resting in an abandoned stedding.
Yanet: A woman murdered by Graendal during the Age of Legends.
Yasicca Cellaech: An ancient Brown scholar
Other Characters
Characters that have either been mentioned or appeared in previous books
First Appearance
Characters that were previously mentioned but that we meet for the first time
Alsalam: The king of Arad Doman. Previously suspected to be deceased, but retrieved by Rand al'Thor from an unknown location between Arad Doman and the White Tower.
Characters that Appear
Characters we have met before that we see in the book.
Aemin: A farrier with Perrin
Aemlyn Carand: A powerful Andoran noble who was reluctant to support Elayne
Ailil Riatin: A powerful Cairhienin noble who gave up her own claim to the throne to support Elayne.
Alise Tenjile: An influential member of the kin. Elayne hopes that she might be able to take on an actual leadership role if the Kin's Rules change.
Alliandre: The queen of Ghealdan who has sworn fealty to Perrin. She supports an alliance of Andor, Ghealdan and Mayene
Almen Bunt: An Andoran farmer who sees Rand as he returns from Dragonmount and is amazed to see his apple trees bear fruit again.
Andaya Forae: An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah who gained a seat in the Hall during the Tower split and kept it after reunification
Androl Genhald: An Asha'man of the rank soldier who excels at gateways despite being technically too weak to form one. He is loyal to Logain and is the de facto leader of the Logain's faction in the Black Tower
Amathera: The former Panarch of Tarabon and now Juilin's lover. She was travelling with Mat until she left with Juilin for the White Tower
Algarin Pendaloan: A lesser lord of Tear who went to the Black Tower to learn how to channel. He has taken to calling himself Emarin and is firmly in Androl's group
Alviarin: The head of the Black Ajah. She flees the Tower when Egwene returns and takes part in the attack in tel'aran'rhiod, leading the withdrawal.
Amys: An influential Wise One and Dreamwalker, married to Rhuarc. She aids in the defence of the White Tower when the Black Ajah attack in Telaran'rhiod
Anaiyella: A Tairen High Lady. She is identified as a Darkfriend and allowed to leave to warn other Darkfriends.
Annoura: An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah and Berelain's advisor who lost her trust by having secret meetings with Masema.
Aran'gar: One of the male forsaken, reborn in a female body. She is killed at Natrin's Barrow by Rand's balefire.
Aravine Carnel: An Amidacian taken gai'shain by the Shaido who swore fealty to Faile before being rescued by Perrin and who acts as his steward on the march from Malden
Arlen Nalaam: A Domani Asha'man who is prone to telling tall tales of his and his family's past.
Atal Mishraile: An Asha'man loyal to Taim who leads soldier training in the Black Tower.
Arymilla Marne: An Andoran noble who rebelled against Elayne and put forward her own claim to the throne. When her estate was unable to pay the ransom, she was stripped of land and titles though Elayne considered giving her some land in Cairhien as recompense.
Aviendha: A former Maiden of the Spear. She passes through the glass columns to become a Wise One, then passes again to see the future of the Aiel
Bain: A Maiden of the Spear of the Shaarad clan who was taken gai'shain by the Shaido. After Perrin liberates Malden, she is Gaul's gai'shain
Bair: A Wise One of the Shaarad clan. She is a Dreamwalker, but is unable to channel. She takes part in the fight against the Black Ajah in Tel'aran'rhiod
Barasine: An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah, who Logain claimed had set him up as a False Dragon. She is raised to the Hall to replace Duhara.
Basel Gill: A former Innkeeper who leaves Andor with Morgase and is employed by Perrin as his Shambayan. He is captured by Galad, but later released.
Bayle Domon: An Illianer captain and former smuggler travelling with Mat.
Bera Harkin: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah sworn to Rand. She is present in the Hall when Alanna vanishes
Berelain: The first of Mayene. She agrees to feign friendship with Faile to dispel the rumors that Perrin slept with her
Bertain Gallenne: The Lord Captain of the Mayener Winged Guards. He leads the flank when Perrin attacks the Trolloc army to save the Whitecloaks
Bertome Saighan: A Cairhienin nobleman and high seat of house Saighan. He claims estates in Andor when Elayne strips Arymilla, Elenia and Naean of their land and titles
Beslan Quintara: The King of Altara. When Tuon announced her decision to launch a full scale attack on the White Tower, he keeps silent
Bethamin Zeami: A former sul'dam who fled on learning an 'a'dam' could hold her. She travelled with Mat but left him to go to Tar Valon.
Birgitte Silverbow: A Hero of the Horn, incarnated in a human body after been thrown out of tel'aran'rhiod by Moghedien. Elayne bonded her to save her life and named her Captain General of Andor.
Blaeric Negina: One of Joline Maza's warders. After travelling with Mat, he leaves for Tar Valon when she does
Brendas: An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah who sided with the rebels. Egwene uses her to create a diversion for the Black Ajah in tel'aran'rhiod
Bulen: A Malkieri who was raised Kandori but chooses to take up Malkieri ways and follow Lan.
Breane Taborwin: A Cairhienin noblewoman who lost all, but became Lamgwin's lover. After serving Faile for a time, she is released into Morgase's service when Morgase' identity is revealed
Bruan: Clan chief of the Nakai Aiel. He is still chief in Aviendha's vision of the future
Cadsuane Melaidhrin: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah who avoided the Tower split to stay close to Rand. The oldest living Aes Sedai, and once the strongest she was his advisor until she failed him and was exiled. After Rand returned from Dragonmount he pardoned her and took her back as his advisor.
Canler: An Andoran Ash'aman of Logain's faction. He had felt abandoned by Rand, but accepted Algarin's word that Rand could be trusted.
Catalyn Haevin: A young Andoran noble and high seat of house Haevin. After Elayne takes the throne, she remains in the palace
Lord Chuliandred: A Cairhienin nobleman who supported Colavaere for the Sun Throne. He is present when Elayne strips Arymilla, Elenia and Naean of their titles, but is not quick enough to claim one of them
Lady Chuliandred: A Cairhienin noblewoman and flirt. She is present when Elayne strips Arymilla, Elenia and Naean of their titles, but is not quick enough to claim one of them
Conail Northan: A young Andoran nobleman and high seat of House Northan. After Elayne takes the throne, he remains in the Royal Palace.
Corele Hovian: An Aes Sedai of the Yelow Ajah bonded to Damer Flinn who stayed out of the Tower split to follow Cadsuane. She is present when Alanna vanishes
Charlz Guybon: A Lieutenant of the Queen's Guards of Andor. He rides with her when she claims the throne of Cairhien.
Chesmal Emry: A member of the Black Ajah, captured by Elayne. She is murdered by Mellar while trying to escape in Towers of Midnight
Chiad: A Maiden of the Spear of the Stones River sept of the Goshien Aiel. She is taken Gai'shain
Dain Bornhald: A member of the children of the Light loyal to Galad.
Damer Flinn: An Andoran Asha'man loyal to Rand. Nynaeve heals his madness.
Dannil Lewin: A young man from the Two Rivers with Perrin. He takes control of the Two Rivers men when Tam leaves for Tear.
Darlin Sisnera: Once a High Lord of Tear in rebellion against the Dragon Reborn and now King. He is loyal to Rand, but was willing to listen to Egwene's request to oppose Rand's plan to destroy the Seals
Davram Bashere: The Marshall general of Saldaea, serving the Dragon Reborn. Rand takes him and some of his soldiers to Maradon when he decides to rescue Rodel.
Delana: A member of the Black Ajah serving Arangar. She is killed at Natrin's Barrow.
Dimana: One of the Kin who was in the Knitting Circle. Gawyn sees her with Marille in the Palace.
Doesine Alwain: An Aes Sedai and Sitter of the Yellow Ajah who was hunting the Black Ajah in the Tower. She is now one of Egwene's strongest supporters
Doilin Mellar: An Andoran Darkfriend who was part of a failed plot to kidnap Elayne. He had been taken captive, but is freed by other Darkfriends.
Dyelin Taravin: An Andoran noble and high seat of house Taravin
Edarra: A wise One with Perrin. She suggests to him that the Wise Ones could link with the Asha'man to form larger gateways
Edesina Azzedin: A rebel Aes Sedai freed by mat who decides to return to the Tower
Egeanin Sarna: A Seanchan woman with Mat, who is married to Bayle Domon. She leaves Mat's group to head to Tar Valon.
Egwene al'Vere: The Amyrlin seat. Aran'gar has been punished for losing control of her.
Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan: The former Amyrlin Seat, taken captive by the Seanchan. As a damane, she teaches them Traveling.
Elayne Trakand: The Queen of Andor, pregnant with the Dragon Reborn's babies.
Elenia Sarand: An Andoran noble who was in rebellion against Elayne. After being captured, her house is unable to pay the ransom and she is stripped of her estates and titles.
Ellorien Traemane: A high ranking Andoran noblewoman, who stayed out of the succession, and refused to support Elayne. She is still reluctant, but attends a play Elayne puts on
Elyas Machera: A former Warder and wolfbrother with Perrin. After Perrin's trial, her tells Perrin he has to leave for the Last Battle.
Evanellein: A former Sitter for the Grey who fled the Tower to avoid being exposed as Black Ajah. She is killed while attacking Egwene in Tel'aran'rhiod
Easar Togita: The King of Shienar who headed south with the other Borderland Monarchs. He swears to Rand in exchange for his Aes Sedai being taught Traveling so they can get to the Last Battle
Edesina Azzedin: An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah, loyal to the rebels who was captured by the Seanchan and freed by Mat Cauthon. She leaves his group to return to Tar Valon
Eldrith Jhondar: A member of the Black Ajah, captured by Elayne. She is murdered by Mellar while trying to escape in Towers of Midnight
Ethenielle Cosaru Noremaga: The queen of Kandor who headed south with the other Borderland rulers. She swears to Rand in exchange for his Aes Sedai being taught Traveling so they can get to the Last Battle
Evin Vinchova: A dedicated, loyal to Logain
Faile: Perrin's wife and cousin of Queen Tenobia. He worries that despite her return, things are not yet all well.
Fager Neald: A young Murandian Asha'man with Perrin. He learns that he has the Talent of making power forged weapons.
Faiselle: A Sitter of the Green Ajah who was sent to the rebels to try and delay them. After the reconciliation, she stands for Egwene's proposal to prevent future secret meetings of the Hall.
Fen Mizar: Joline's Warder. He leaves for Tar Valon with her
Fergin: A Redarm in the Band of the Red Hand who went with Mat to Ebou Dar. He is killed by the gholam in Mat's camp outside Caemlyn.
Flann Barstere: A man from Watch Hill who is wtih Perrin's camp
Furyk Karede: A banner general in the Deathwatch Guard. He is present when Elaida teaches the Seanchan Travelling.
Galad: Rand and Elayne's half brother and Lord Captain Commander of the Children of the Light Taken prisoner by Rhadam Asunawa and freed by his men, he swore to follow Perrin until Tarmon Gaidon to ensure his men would fight there.
Gareth Bryne: The one time Captain General of the Queens Guard in Andor, now Siuan Sanche's Warder and commander of the White Tower armies. He has left Jimar Chubain in charge of the Tower Guard and is preparing for war.
Gawyn Trakand: Elayne's brother and one time leader of the Younglings. He has bonded Egwene and she has agreed to marry him.
Gaul: An Aiel of the Stone Dogs society who feels he owes Perrin a debt. He fights with Perrin against Trollocs
Gerard Arganda: The First captain of Alliandre's bodyguard, who feels Perrin is not doing enough for her. He takes part in the attack on the Trollocs to save the Whitecloaks and comes to accept Perrin's leadership
Gorderan: A member of the Band of the Red Hand who accompanied Mat to Tear. He is killed by the gholam in Mat's camp outside Caemlyn
Gorenellin: A merchant from Malkier who does not wear the hadori but is persuaded by Nynaeve to ride with Lan. He joins up with him in Kandor, close to the border with Arafel
Graendal: One of the forsaken, who narrowly escaped obliteration at Natrin's Barrow
Halwin Norry: The Head clerk in the Royal Palace who gave Mat permission to camp near Caemlyn
Hopper: A dead wolf and companion of Perrin in Tel'aran'rhiod
Iralin: A clerk in Bandar Eban. After Rand and the Merchant's Council abandon the city, he holds it together and prevents the refugees from taking the tainted food. Rand appoints him to the council
Jaim Torfinn: A young man from the Two Rivers. He is in training at the Black Tower
Jaq Lounalt: A Taraboner who was secretary and personal questioner to Arymilla then Sylvase. He reveals himself as a Darkfriend who frees Hanlon and the captured Black Ajah, being killed in the attempt
Jahar Narishma An Arafellin Asha'man loyal to Rand who has wielded Callandor He goes with Rand to the meeting with the Borderland rulers
Jaim Dawtry: A man from the Two Rivers. He is with Perrin's camp
Janya Frende: A Sitter from the Brown Ajah who was the only one to join the rebels without being instructed by her head of Ajah, She regains her seat after re-ubification
Jaret Byar: A zealous member of the Children of the Light who follows Galad even though he does not like the idea of allying with the Aes Sedai. He was killed by Dain Bornhald while trying to attack Perrin Aybara
Javindhra Doraille: A Sitter for the Red Ajah ordered to the Black Tower to find Asha'man to bond. While at the Black Tower she undergoes a major change in personality and attitude
Jimar Chubain: The High Captain of the Tower Guard. After the re-unification, he is cold towards Gawyn until Gawyn explains he has no interest in the position.
Joline Maza: An Aes Seai sent to Ebou Dar by Elaida and rescued by Mat who returns to the Tower.
Jon Ayellin: A farmer from the Two Rivers. He is with Perrin's army
Jon Gaelin: A man from the Two Rivers. He is with Perrin's army
Jori Congar: A farmer from the Two Rivers with Perrin's army, He holds Perrin's banner when the army fights the Shadowspawn sent by Graendal
Juilin Sandar: A Tairen theif catcher who had been travelling with Mat. He leaves the Band for Tar Valon
Julanya Fote: A member of the Kin strong enough to Travel. She helps Mat and Sumeko defeat the gholam
Jur Grady: An Asha'man with Perrin. He helps Perrin defeat the Shadowspawn and takes Mat to the Tower of Ghenjei
Katerine Alruddin: An Aes Sedai of the Red and Black Ajah who was briefly Elaida's Mistress of Novices. She is killed by Egwene
Kenly Maerin: A young man from the Two Rivers with Perrin. He is one of the guards on Perrin's tent.
Lacile Aldorwin: A young Cairhienin noblewoman in cha Faile who was taken gai'shan by the Shadio. She spies on the Whitecloaks, wearing a dress for the first time in months to do so.
Lan: Uncrowned king of Malkier, husband to Nynaeve and Warder to Myrelle, journeying through Saldea on his way to Tarwin's gap and trying not to pick up an army.
Leilwin: A Seanchan woman stripped of her name and title by Tuon and now married to Bayle Domon.
Leane Sharif: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah who was of the Blue Ajah until she was stilled. She fights in Tel'aran'rhiod against the Black Ajah
Lelaine Akashi: A Sitter for the Blue Ajah. She is present at Nynaeve's raising and votes no, and is later present at the secret meeting of the Hall called by Romanda.
Lerian: A Maiden of the Spear. She guards Min in Rand's absence
Lidrin: A Domani officer with Rodel. He breaks when fighting trollocs and launches a suicidal charge against them.
Lini Eltring: Nurse to both Morgase and Lini. She tells Morgase that returning to Caemlyn is a bad idea and insists that Morgase marries Tallanvor
Lunal Galgan: A powerful member of the Blood. He is present when the Seanchan learn Traveling
Magla Daronos: A Yellow Sitter sent to Salidar to hold back the rebels. She does not stand for Egwene's proposal about how to run the war
Managan: A Malkieri merchant who agreed to follow Lan. He meets up with him in Kandor close to the Arafel border.
Mandarb: Lan's horse
Marille: A Seanchan damane She tells Gawyn about Bloodknives
Martyn Tallanvor: An Andoran soldier in love with Morgase. He marries her in a ceremony performed by Perrin
Masuri Sokawa: An Aes Sedai sworn to Rand travelling with Perrin. She Heals him after he is injured in Tel'aran'rhiod
Mat: A general and Ta'veren from the Two Rivers region of Andor, now married to the Seanchan Empress.
Mazrim Taim: A former False Dragon and now leader of the Asha'man, conspiring against Rand. He refuses to allow the Aes Sedai with Pevara to leave the Black Tower
Melaine: An Aiel Wise One and Dreamwalker, married to Bael. She aids Egwene in the battle against the Black Ajah
Melfane Dawlish: Elayne's midwife. She continues with the strict regime she has for Egwene
Melitene: Tuon's der'suldam. She forced Elaida to show the Seanchan Traveling.
Merise Haindehl: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah bonded to Jahar Narishima who did not take a side in the Tower split. She remains with Cadsuane after reunification
Mezar Kurin: An Asha'man loyal to Rand and Logain who bonded Adrielle. After returning from helping defeat Semirhage, he became close to Taim and appeared to be a totally different person
Mierin Eronaile: A former lover of Lews Therin who turned to the Shadow and took the name Lanfear. As Cyndane, she appears in Rand's dream, telling him of how she is abused
Min Farshaw: A young woman from Andor with the ability to see auras around people giving glimpses of their future. She is the lover of the Dragon Reborn. She stays with Rand, going with him to both Arad Doman and Far Madding
Moiraine: An Aes Sedai, held captive beyond the Tower of Ghenjei and freed by Mat, Thom and Noa.
Moridin: The forsaken Ishamael reborn. He is Naeblis, but Graendal hopes to change that.
Morgase Trakand: The former queen of Andor who fled and abdicated after leading the country to the brink of disaster under Gaebril's compulsion. She learns that Gaebril was in reality Rahvin, is revealed as Morgase, marries Tallanvor and returns to Andor and Elayne.
Morvrin: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who was influential in Salidar. She is present in tel'aran'rhiod when the Black Ajah attack.
Myrelle Berengari: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah who took Lan's bond on Moiraine's disappearance into the world of the Eelfinn. She is forced to hand it over to Nynaeve.
Naeff: An Asha'man loyal to Rand. Nynaeve heals him of his madness and Rand sends him in disguise to investigate the Black Tower
Naean Arawn An Andoran noblewoman who set herself up in opposition to Elayne before being forced to support Arymilla. After being defeated, Elayne strips her of all rank and lands
Nazar Kurenin A Malkieri who puts the hadori back and joins Lan
Nevarin: A Wise One with Perrin. along with other Wise Ones, she burns down a village apparently transported from the Blight
Nicola Treehill: A young woman with the ability to learn to channel who left Salidar for the White Tower in hopes of progressing faster. She is raised to Accepted, but doesn't learn caution and is killed entering tel'aran'rhiod to try and help Egwene.
Noal Charin: A man who claims not to be Jain Charin but to have had the same adventures. He goes with Mat to the Tower of Ghenjei, giving his life so Mat can escape and admitting to being Jain Fairstrider
Nynaeve: Lan's wife and an Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah raised unconventionally. She takes and passes her Aes sedai test and claims Lan's bond
Olver: A young Cairhienin orphan with Mat. He decides Mat shouldn't have to wait to open Vern's letter and does so himself, learning it tells of a huge trolloc invasion force aimed at Caemlyn through the Ways.
Lord Osiellin: Amondrid Osiellin is a Cairhienin nobleman who supported Colavaere's attempt to take the Sun Throne. He is one of the nobles present when Elayne strips Arymilla, Elenia and Naean of their titles, but is not quick enough to claim one of them
Lady Osiellin: A Cairhienin noblewoman Rand meets at Lord Barthanes party. She is one of the nobles present when Elayne strips Arymilla, Elenia and Naean of their titles, but is not quick enough to claim one of them
Padan Fain: Insane former Darkfriend who gained powers after merging with Mordeth and now commands his own Trolloc army.
Paitar Nachiman: The king of Arafel, who left his post in the Borderlands to seek out Rand. He swears to follow Rand in return for the Aes Sedai with him being taught traveling so that he can fight at the Last Battle
Perrin: Lord of the Two Rivers. He gains the support of the Whitecloaks and returns to Caemlyn, where is title is officially recognised.
Pevara Tazanovni: A Sitter for the Red Ajah, in the Black Tower to find men to bond. She becomes increasingly concerned that Taim will not let her leave and that her companions see not to care about this or the fact that gateways stop working.
Piqor Ramshalan: A Domani noble, who is not nearly so intelligent as he believes himself to be. Graendal has Aran'gar and Delanna use compulsion on him, but it is removed when Rand kills them both with balefire
Rafela Cindal: A Tairen Aes Sedai sworn to Rand. She is present in the Stone of Tear when Alanna disappears
Rajabi: A onetime dragonsworn noble with Rodel. He falls to a draghkar outside Maradon
Rakim: A Saldean soldier who served with Lan in the Aiel War. He joins Lan on his march along the Borderlands
Rand: Dragon Reborn, Car'a'carn, Coramoor and King of Illian.
Renaile din Calon Blue Star: Former Windfinder to the Mistress of the Ships. She is present in the meeting Egwene calls between the Aes Sedai, Wise Ones and Windfinders to try and arrange an agreement between them.
Rhadam Asunawa: Leader of the Questioners who opposes Galad and has taken him captive. He is killed by the other Lord Captains
Rodel Ituralde: A Domani general and one of the Great Captains. He defends Maradon against Shadowspawn against overwhelming odds, before being saved by Rand al'Thor
Romanda Cassin: An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah who was an influential Sitter in Salidar. She retains the influence after reunifiation and calls a secret meeting to discuss the war.
Rowan Hurn: A man who sits on the Village Council of Emond's Field. He joins Perrin's army and is given the responsibility of making sure Galad has released the captives before Perrin's trial.
Rubinde: A Sitter of the Green Ajah who voted for Siuan to be deposed. After reunification, she attends Romanda's secret meeting and does not stand for Egwene's proposal about the war, but does agree to put an end to such secret meetings.
Saerin Asnobar:' A Sitter for the Brown Ajah who voted for Siuan to be deposed but became a supporter of Egwene. After re-unification, she is one of Egwene's strongest supporters and is present in Tel'aran'rhiod when the Black Ajah attack.
Samitsu Tamagowa: An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah who did not take part in the split. She is with Sashelle when Elayne claims Cairhien
Sarene Nemdahl: An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah forced to swear fealty to Rand at Dumai's Wells. She fetches Nynaeve for Cadsuane when Alanna vanishes.
Saroiya: A Sitter of the White Ajah sent to the rebels to try and slow them down. She retains her seat after reunification, and attends Romanda's secret meeting, realising that the Sitters gave Egwene the authority to deal with Rand.
Sashalle Anderly: An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah, stilled at Dumai's Wells who swore fealty to Rand after being Healed. She hands Cairhien to Elayne on Rand's behalf.
Seaine Herimon: An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah who did not vote for Siuan to be deposed, but stayed anyway. After reunification, she is one of Egwene's strongest supporters and is one of the Aes Sedai chosen to meet the Wise Ones and Sea Folk in tel'aran'rhiod
Sebban Balwer: One time spymaster for Pedron Niall, now Perrin's spymaster. He refuses a pay rise as it might alert people to his role being more than that of a secretary.
Selande Darengil: A young Cairhienin noblewoman who is the leader of Cha Faile She dons a dress to spy on the Whitecloaks, but takes it off for breeches again as soon as she is done
Selucia: Tuon's Voice and Truthspeaker. She is present when Elaida demonstrates Travelling
Seonid Traighan: An Aes Sedai with Perrin who swore fealty to Rand at Dumai's Wells. She refuses to use the Power to scare the Whitecloaks as she considers this to be using it as a weapon.
Sephanie Pelden: One of Elayne's dressers. She brushes Elayne's hair
Seta Zarbey: A former sul'dam who accompanied Mat after learning she could be held by the a'dam and began to channel. She leaves his group for the White Tower with the Aes Sedai.
Setalle Anan: A former Aes Sedai and Innkeeper in Ebou Dar travelling with Mat. When the Aes Sedai leave for the Tower, she stays to keep an eye on him
Shaidar Haran: The Hand of the Dark and likely the Dark One in Myrddraal form. He punishes Graendal for her failures.
Shielyn din Sabura Night Waters: Windfinder to the Mistress of Ships. She attends the meeting where Egwene proposes an alliance between the Aes Sedai, Wise Ones and Windfinders
Silviana Brehon: An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and Egwene's Keeper of the Chronicles. She continues to act as Keeper and to lack trust in men,
Siuan Sanche A former Amyrlin, stilled and healed, now an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. She helps defend against the Black Ajah attack in tel'aran'rhiod
Slayer: An amalgam of Luc and Isam. He battles Perrin in tel'aran'rhiod for control of the Dreamspike.
Sleete: Hattori's Warder. He helps Gawyn investigate the murders in the Tower commited by the Bloodknives.
Stayer: Perrin's horse. Perrin continues to ride him.
Stepper: Perrin's horse. Perrin continues to ride him.
Sulin: A Maiden of the Spear with Perrin. Along with Gaul, she chooses Perrin's campsite at the Fields of Merrilor
Sumeko Karistovan: The eldest member of the Kin in Caemlyn who intends to return to the White Tower to become an Aes Sedai. She helps Mat defeat the gholam
Surial: A Maiden of the Spear. She guards Min in the Stone of Tear while Rand is absent.
Sylvase Caeren: High Seat of house Caeren and more intelligent than she has been given credit for. She attends the performance of the Marriage of Princess Walishen, but is unable to see why Elayne is bothering trying to repair relations with Ellorien
Tai'daishar: Rand's horse
Takima: A Sitter of the Gray Ajah who did not vote for Siuan to be deposed and was sent to Salidar to try and hold the rebels back. After reunification she keeps her seat and votes for Egwene's proposal to prevent secret meetings of the Hall
Talmanes Delovinde: A Cairhienin nobleman and one of Mat's top generals. He survives an encounter with the gholan to see Caemlyn in flames after Olver read's Verin's warning of an impending Trolloc attack.
Tam al'Thor: Rand's father. Rand introduces him to Min on his return from Dragonmount.
Tarna Feir: An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and Elaida's Keeper of the Chronicles who is sent to the Black Tower to try and bond Asha'man. She suffers an abrupt change in personality from wanting to leave the area to saying there is no reason to be concerned.
Temaile Kinderode: A member of the Black Ajah, captured by Elayne. She is murdered by Mellar while trying to escape in Towers of Midnight
Tenobia si Bashere Kazadi: The Queen of Saldaea who went south with the other Bordeland nobles. She swore to rand so that he would help her armies fight in the Last Battle.
Teslyn Baradon: An Aes Sedai rescued by Mat who accepts she is in his debt. She leaves his camp to return to the Tower
Thom: A former gleeman with Mat. He goes with him to the Tower of Ghenjei to rescue Moiraine
Tiana Noselle An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah who was Mistress of Novices to the rebels. After reunification, she loses that position and is seen handing Rand a message when he arrives at the Tower.
Trom: One of the Lord Captain commanders of the children of the Light who is loyal to Galad.
Vanin: A scout in the Band. Mat thinks that Bromas might be a suitable match for him.
Varilin: A Sitter of the Gray Ajah who did not vote for Siuan to be deposed and was sent to Salidar to try and hold the rebels back. After reunification she keeps her seat and votes for Egwene's proposal to prevent secret meetings of the Hall
Weiramon Saniago: A High Lord of Tear. Rand identifies him as a Darkfriend and exiles him, telling him to warn the others of his association that they can no longer hide.
Weilin Aldragoran: A Malkieri merchant who promised Nynaeve he would ride with Lan. He catches up with Lan in Arafel.
Wil al'Seen A man from the Two Rivers.
Yukiri: A Sitter in the White Tower who voted for Siuan to be deposed and later hunted Black Ajah. After the reunification, she becomes one of Egwene's confidants and is present in the meeting in Tel'aran'rhiod where Egwene tries to forge an alliance with Wise Ones and Windfinders.
Characters that are Mentioned
Characters that we have seen or have been mentioned before and are mentioned again, but we do not actually encounter.
Adeleas Namelle : An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah murdered by the Black. Though dead by Towers of Midnight, Egwene thinks that since her and Vandene's death, Raechin and Viria are the only sisters left in the Tower
Aginor: One of the forsaken. Graendal thinks that the intricacies of the True Power made more sense to Aginor than to her.
Alanna Mosvani: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah, both bonded and sworn to Rand. She vanishes while in the Stone, having gone somewhere to the North
Aludra: A former Illuminator with Mat. She has arranged with Elayne to make her gunpowder based weapons.
Ankaer: A powerful Domani noble fighting with Rodel. He is killed inside Maradon by Shadowspawn.
Aram: A Tua'athon who took up the sword and followed Perrin but was corrupted by Masema. He is dead by the time of Towers of Midnight, but Perrin dreams of him and feels guilty for not sending him back to his parents.
Arent: An Ogier, son of Halan and father of Loial.
Bran al'Vere: Egwene's father and the mayor of Emond's field. He does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but Perrin wonders if Bran would be offered the Lordship if he refuses it.
Buel Dowtry: Jonneth's grandfather. He and all the family go to the Black Tower with Jonneth
Camaille Nolaisen: A member of Cha Faile sent to Cairhien to scout
Careane Fransi: A member of the Black Ajah who travelled with Elayne, murdering several of the party. she is dead by the time of Towers of Midnight, but Elayne thinks back to the way she had hidden among them
Carlinya: A member of the White Ajah who was influential in the Rebel camp. She is killed in Tel'aran'rhiod when the Black Ajah attack.
Cenn Buie: A member of the village council in Emmond's Field, Perrin worries that the Two Rivers could choose Cenn as their lord if he abandoned them
Colavaere Saighan: A Cairhienin noblewoman who took the throne through murder and subterfuge, only to be stripped of it and her titles by Rand and to hang herself. She is dead by Towers of Midnight, but Elayne thinks about how Bertome had become High Seat after her death,
Covril: Loial's mother. She spoke for opening the book of translation, but insisted that Loial be allowed to address the stump, when th emood there was to not allow it.
The Creator: The creator of the universe. Graendal thinks he is balanced by the Dark One and whatever the Creator can create, the Dark One can destroy.
Danelle: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who was involved in Elaida's coup, but later pushed aside. It is discovered that Mesaana had been posing as Danelle.
Deira ni Ghaline t'Bashere: Faile's mother and Davram's wife. She doesn't appear in Towers of Midnight, but Faile thinks of how useful her advice was.
Demandred One of the Forsaken. Rand mentions how he was involved in Tellindal Tirraso's death
Dobraine Taborwin: A Cairhienin nobleman loyal to Rand. He does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but Elayne thinks he is one of the most powerful noblemen in Cairhien.
Donalo Sandomere: An Asha'man of the rank Dedicated, loyal to Logain. He does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but Androl wonders why Logain had taken him
Duhara Basaheen: An Aes Sedai of the Red and Black Ajahs sent to Caemlyn to advise Elayne. She does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but Hark tells how he sees her meeting with Ellorian
Eamon Valda: A Lord Captain Commander of the Children of the Light, killed in single combat by Galad. He is dead by the time of Towers of Midnight, but Galad thinks he will have to offer a proclamation that Valda did not kill Morgase.
Estean Andiama: A Tairen lordling and one of the commanders in the Band.
Falion Bhoda: A member of the Black Ajah, captured by Elayne. She escapes in Towers of Midnight
Gaidal Cain: A hero of the Horn. Birgitte tells Mat how she and Gaidal once died in the Tower of Ghenjei
Geofram Bornhald: A Lord Captain of the Children of the Light, killed at Falme. Perrin says he thought Geofram to be a reasonable man for a whitecloak.
Gregorin: An Illianer Lord and Steward for the Dragon in Illian. He writes to Egwene telling her he cannot oppose Rand, though she tries to persuade him
Halan: An Ogier, father of Arent and grandfather of Loial.
Hammar: A warder who led the training of the recruits in the White Tower. Gawyn thinks how Hammar had told him a Warder's duty is to challenge his Aes Sedai in private.
Haral Luhhan: The Blacksmith in Emonds Field. Perrin thinks that master Luhhan taught him that to make a thing you must first figure out its parts.
Hardlin: An Asha'man who helped in the capture of the Aes Sedai sent to destroy the Black Tower. He is one of the few still loyal to Rand and Logain.
Hattori: An Aes Sedai of the Green ajah, bonded to Sleete. Gawyn thinks he has half a mind to let her bond him.
Hurin: A Seanchan sniffer. He does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but Rand sends for him after meeting the Borderland rulers so he can apologise.
Isam: Lan's cousin, bound in some way with Luc as slayer. Graendal blames him for the failure of the Dreamspike.
Jondyn Barran: A man from the Two Rivers. He does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but Perrin thinks of what a good shot he is
Jisao Hamora: A former Youngling. He does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but Gawyn notes he has been chosen as a Warder
Jon Thane: The miller of Emond's Field. He does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but Nynaeve mentions how difficult he had been when she was Wisdom
Laman Damodred: The king of Cairhien who caused the Aiel War by cutting down Avendoraldera to make a new throne. He is dead by the Towers of Midnight, but Elayne considers that the unassuming nature of the Cairhienin throne may have inspired him
Lamgwin Dorn: A former Inn guard loyal to Morgase who travelled with her and then Perrin as his serving man. After Morgase' identity is revealed, Perrin releases Lamgwin back into her service
Logain Ablar: A False Dragon who is now an Asha'man. He doesn't appear in Towers of Midnight, but the men loyal to him discuss him
Lews Therin Telamon: Leader of the forces of the Light during the Age of Legends. Graendal wonders if Rand remembers how much Lews Therin hated her.
Loial: An Ogier, and writer of the book "The Dragon Reborn." He spoke out against opening the book of translation.
Lopin: Mat's Tairen body-servant. He is killed by the gholam
Lothair Mantelar: The founder of the Children of the Light. Galad quotes him to justify not attacking Perrin's forces
Luc Mantear: Tigraine's brother who was in some way merged with Perrin. He does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but the Isam component of Slayer tells Perrin that Luc hates him deeply.
Marillin Gemalphin: A member of the Black Ajah, captured by Elayne. She escapes in Towers of Midnight
Masema Dagar: The prophet of the Dragon. In Perrin's dream Aram explains that it was the prophet who wanted Perrin dead.
Mattin Stepaneos: The former king of Illian, now in the Tower. She does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but Egwene thinks that both he and Gregorrin may perfer it if he does not return
Mili Skane: A darkfriend captured by Elayne. She does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but it is stated she is freed with Daved Hanlon
Milisair Chadmar: A member of the Merchant Council. She does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but Iralin tells Rand that she fled within an our of his departure.
Mistress al'Donel: A woman from Emonds Field. She does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but a version of her is seen in Nynaeve's Aes Sedai test
Moghedien: One of the Forsaken. She does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but Egwene tells Mesaana that Moghedien made a mistake by accepting the a'dam in tel'aran'rhiod
Musenge: A member of the deathwatch guard. She does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but Thom mentions him when trying to persuade Mat that Mat is now a noble.
Nalesean: A Tairen noble and member of the Band killed by the gholam.
Naris Pelden: A young woman training to be Elayne's lady's maid. She brushes Elayne's hair
Nelavaire Demasiellin: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah, bonded to Naeff. After his madness is Healed, his first thought is to seek her out
Niagen: One of the Brotherless taken gai'shain in the attack on Malden. Alliandre thinks he will suit Lacile
Noam: A man who lost himself to the wolf within. Perrin discovers this was deliberate and that he is now boudnless
Norley: An Asha'man who helped Logain prevent the Aes Sedai attack on the Black Tower. He remains loyal to Logain and tells him that Mezar is no longer himself
Pel Aydaer: A man from the Two Rivers with Perrin. Perrin sends him to Caemlyn to scout
Pedron Niall: The Lord Captain Commander of the Children of the Light, murdered by one of his own men. He is dead by Towers of Midnight, but Byar tells Galad that Niall must have had a reason for sending Children to the Two Rivers.
Rahvin: One of the forsaken, killed by Rand. He is dead my Towers of Midnight, but Morgase finally learns that Gaebril was actially Rahvin
Rajar: An officer in the Younglings. After reunification he is chosen as a Warder.
Rhuarc: An Aiel clan chief. His son Ronam was Clan chief fifteen years in the future in Aviendha's vision
Roedran Almaric do Arreloa a'Naloy: The king of Murandy who is forging the country into a united nation for the first time in its history. He does not go to the Field of Merrilor
Rolan: A Brotherless who looked after Faile but was killed by Perrin. She wears his stone on a cord around her neck.
Samwil Hark: A former cutpurse employed as a spy by Halwin Norry. He tracks Ellorien to a meeting with Duhara.
Sareitha Tomares: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah, killed by the Black. she is dead by towers of Midnight, but Elayne speaks of how she feels bad, but not responsible for her
Sevanna: An Aiel of the Shaido clan who led her people on a rampage across the Westlands. She does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but Perrin thinks of her and how he would like to hunt her down one day to make her pay for her crimes
Sheriam: Former Mistress of Novices and Keeper of the Chronicles for the Rebel Aes Sedai She is dead by the time of the Gathering Storm, but Egwene tells Nynaeve and Elayne that she was Black Ajah.
Shevan: A Sitter of the Brown Ajah who was loyal to the Tower in the split. She does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but is killed in the Black Ajah attack on the Tower
Sora Grady: Jur Grady's wife. She does not appear in Towers of Midnight but Jur says she was the thinker in the family
Sorilea: An influential Wise One. She does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but Bair states that Sorilea would be disappointed that Egwene won't return to the Aiel
Suroth Sabelle Meldarath: A Seanchan High Blood stripped of her rank and made da'covale for plotting to kill Tuon. She does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but Tuon wonders if she had made up the rumour of an Aes Sedai super weapon to sow dissension.
The Dark One: The creator's counterpart, he has extended permission to touch the True Power to Graendal
Taringail Damodred: Elayne, Galad and Gawyn's father, killed by Thomdril Merrilin in what appeared to be an accident. He is long dead by Towers of Midnight but Morgase thinks how she had begun to throw off his dominance at the time of his death.
Tod al'Caar: A man from the Two Rivers in Andor.
Tylin Mitsobar: The Queen of Altara, killed by the gholam after Mat had tied her up.
Vandene Namelle: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah murdered by the Black. Though dead by Towers of Midnight, Egwene thinks that since her and Vandene's death, Raechin and Viria are the only sisters left in the Tower
Varil Nensen: An Asha'man of the rank Dedicated. He does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but it is noted that he has started taking private lessons from Taim and has advanced quickly.
Verin Mathwin: An Aes Sedai who took Mat to Caemlyn in exchange for his promise to stay there thirty days or to read a letter she gave him and follow the instructions.
Wakeda: A powerful Domani lord fighting with Rodel. He does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but is killed in the fighting outside Maradon.
Welyn Kajima: An Asha'man of the rank Dedicated. He does not appear in Towers of Midnight, but Androl thinks of him, wondering where Logain took him