Difference between revisions of "User:Toral Delvar"

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m (Chapter Summaries)
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| Book 12: [[The Gathering Storm: Plot Summary|The Gathering Storm]]
| Book 12: [[The Gathering Storm: Plot Summary|The Gathering Storm]]
===Brief Book Summaries===
{| cellpadding="10"
| Prequel: [[New Spring (Brief Plot Summary)|New Spring]]
| Book 1:  [[The Eye of the World (Brief Plot Summary)|The Eye of the World]]
| Book 2: [[The Great Hunt (Brief Plot Summary)|The Great Hunt]]
| Book 3: [[The Dragon Reborn (Brief Plot Summary)|The Dragon Reborn]]
| Book 4: [[The Shadow Rising (Brief Plot Summary)|The Shadow Rising]]
| Book 5: [[The Fires of Heaven (Brief Plot Summary)|The Fires of Heaven]]
| Book 6: [[Lord of Chaos (Brief Plot Summary)|Lord of Chaos]]
| Book 7: [[A Crown of Swords (Brief Plot Summary)|A Crown of Swords]]
| Book 8: [[The Path of Daggers (Brief Plot Summary)|The Path of Daggers]]
| Book 9: [[Winter's Heart (Brief Plot Summary)|Winter's Heart]]
| Book 10: [[Crossroads of Twilight (Brief Plot Summary)|Crossroads of Twilight]]
| Book 11: [[Knife of Dreams (Brief Plot Summary)|Knife of Dreams]]
===Chapter Summaries===
===Chapter Summaries===
====Lord of Chaos====
====Lord of Chaos====
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| [[Widow Aynal]]
| [[Widow Aynal]]
====Crossroads of Twilight Updates====
{| cellpadding="10"
| [[Galadedrid Damodred]]
| [[Latelle Luca]]
===Place Summaries===
===Place Summaries===
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{| cellpadding="10"
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| [[Wheel of Time]]
| [[Wheel of Time]]
| [[Wheel of Time (History)]]
| [[Wheel of Time (Geography)]]
| [[Windfinder]]
| [[Windfinder]]
| [[Wisdom]]
| [[Wisdom]]

Revision as of 07:49, 7 November 2009

About Toral Delvar

The Wheel of Time

I read the first book around 1993, and the others soon after. I have been buying since The Fires of Heaven, which I got as soon as it came out in paperback and Lord of Chaos which I go as soon as it was released. I have been involved with the internet community since 1994, when I read (and very rarely posted in) the newsgroup rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan.

Tar Valon

Senior Member Interview

I joined around 2003, joined Dai M'Hael when raised and was bonded later that year, until the end of 2008 when my Aes Sedai stepped down. I am currently unbonded.

I began submitting articles to the library sometime around 2004/2005, primarily ones I had written for my own personal use (such as whole book summaries) and joined the library team a few months later.

Member of the Research team since 2005

Assistant to the Director of Aug 08-Apr 09

Director of Research Apr 09-Present

Volunteer of the Year, 2009

Pages I made

My contributions

Book Summaries

Prequel: New Spring Book 1: The Eye of the World Book 2: The Great Hunt Book 3: The Dragon Reborn Book 4: The Shadow Rising
Book 5: The Fires of Heaven Book 6: Lord of Chaos Book 7: A Crown of Swords Book 8: The Path of Daggers Book 9: Winter's Heart
Book 10: Crossroads of Twilight Book 11: Knife of Dreams Book 12: The Gathering Storm

Brief Book Summaries

Prequel: New Spring Book 1: The Eye of the World Book 2: The Great Hunt Book 3: The Dragon Reborn Book 4: The Shadow Rising
Book 5: The Fires of Heaven Book 6: Lord of Chaos Book 7: A Crown of Swords Book 8: The Path of Daggers Book 9: Winter's Heart
Book 10: Crossroads of Twilight Book 11: Knife of Dreams

Chapter Summaries

Lord of Chaos

Chapter 1: Lion on the Hill Chapter 2: A New Arrival Chapter 3: A Woman's Eyes Chapter 5: A Different Dance

A Crown of Swords

Prologue: Lightnings Chapter 1: High Chasaline Chapter 2: The Butcher's Yard Chapter 3: Hill of the Golden Dawn Chapter 4: Into Cairhien
Chapter 5: A Broken Crown Chapter 6: Old Fear, New Fear Chapter 7: Pitfalls and Tripwires Chapter 8: The Figurehead Chapter 10: Unseen Eyes
Chapter 11: An Oath Chapter 12: A Morning of Victory Chapter 13: The Bowl of Winds Chapter 14: White Plumes Chapter 15: Insects
Chapter 16: A Touch on the Cheek Chapter 17: The Triumph of Logic Chapter 18: As the Plow Breaks the Earth Chapter 19: Diamonds and Stars Chapter 20: Patterns Within Patterns
Chapter 21: Swoven Night Chapter 22: Small Sacrifices Chapter 23: Next Door to a Weaver Chapter 24: The Kin Chapter 25: Mindtrap
Chapter 31: Mashiara Chapter 32: Sealed to the Flame Chapter 33: A Bath Chapter 34: Ta'veren Chapter 35: Into the Woods
Chapter 36: Blades Chapter 37: A Note from the Palace Chapter 38: Six Stories Chapter 39: Promises to Keep Chapter 40: Spears
Chapter 41: A Crown of Swords

The Path of Daggers

Chapter 16: Unexpected Absenses Chapter 17: Out on the Ice Chapter 18: A Peculiar Calling Chapter 19: The Law Chapter 20: Into Andor

Winter's Heart

Prologue: Snow Chapter 20: Questions of Treason Chapter 21: A Matter of Property Chapter 22: Out of Thin Air Chapter 23: To Lose the Sun
Chapter 24: Among the Counsels Chapter 31: What the Aelfinn Said

Knife of Dreams

The Gathering Storm

Prologue: Embers Falling on Dry Grass Chapter 27: A Plain Wooden Box Chapter 28: In Malden Chapter 29: The Last Knot Chapter 30: Outside the Gates

Character Summaries

Ala Amar Aried Avin Baerin Ban al'Seen Banas Basel Gill Bili Congar Brandelwyn al'Vere
Cerandin Cirri Clarine Anhill Coiam Coura Cuale Dag Coplin (1) Dal Deselle Aybara Ehvin
Ethin Evard Cordwyn Falton Flann Barstere Flann Lewin Gharadin Had al'Lora Hafeen Bakuvun Hamada Hari
Hari Coplin Hearne Herid Hurd Ieine Iva Jac Coplin Jaem Dawlish Jaim Adarra Jakob Hernvil
Jaq Lounalt Jarid Sarand Jhoradin Jillari Jol Jori Congar Juendan Karind Anshar Kindlin Koimal
Kolom Kostelle Lacel Lamgwin Dorn Latian Laud Len Congar Lopin Lusara Mairin Gome
Malan Master Fitch Master Grinwell Master Vane Melfane Dawlish Morel Nad Nan Belman Nangu Narg
Nasin Caeren Nengar Nerim Nieda Sidoro Old Bain Old Cully Orban Padry Paers Paet al'Caar
Paetram Aybara Pevin Paitr Conel Pel Aydaer Perwyn Belman Petra Anhill Radlin Raefar Kisman Rhys a'Balaman Rolan
Seana Senar Sharina Melloy Sillia Cerano Soferra Sylvase Caeren Tammuz Telabin Tema Tervail Dura
Teryl Wynter Thad Haren Theril Therin Lugay Widow Aynal

Crossroads of Twilight Updates

Galadedrid Damodred Latelle Luca

Place Summaries

Abila Aiel Waste Alcruna Almizar Altara Ankor Dail Arien Aryth Ocean Banikhan mountains Bellon
Bethal Black Hills Blight Braem Wood Breen's Spring Camron Caan Carysford Chisen Mountains Cliffs of Dawn Coramen
Cordese Hills Cumbar Hills Damona Mountains Dragonmount Drowned Lands Elmora Emond's Field Fal Dara Fal Eisen Fal Moran
Gaean River Ghealdan Great Blackwood Great Rift Hills of Absher Inishlinn Irinjavar Jangai Pass Jarra Jeramel
King's Crossing Kinslayer's Dagger Lake Somal Land of Madmen Maderin Maerone Main continent Malden Maraside Mountains Mardecin
Market Sheran Medo Mehar Midean's Ford Mindea Morenal Ocean Mos Shirare Mosra Mountains of Mist Murandy
Nemarellin Mountains. Paerish Swar Pit of Doom Remen River Akuum River Alguenya River Andahar River Antaeo River Arinelle River Armahn
River Boern River Cary River Dhagon River Eldar River Erinin River Gaelin River Haevin River Iralell River Ivo River Luan
River Manetherendrelle River Mora River Reisendrelle River Reshalle River Shal River Sharia River Sharine River Storn River Taren Runnien Crossing
Saldaea Samara Serana Shienar Sidon Sienda So Tehar Taren Ferry Tarwin's Gap Termool
Thakan'dar Toman Head Tunaighan Hills Venir Mountains Weesin World's End Sea Folk Isles Sea of Storms Shadow Coast Shayol Ghul
Spine of the World Stedding Tarwin's Gap Termool Thakan'dar Toman Head Tunaighan Hills Venir Mountains World's End

The One Power

Angreal Avendesora Avendoraldera Black Tower The Bowl of the Winds Callandor The Chair of Remorse The Choedan Kal Cloud Dancing Compulsion
Cuendillar The Crystal Throne Delving Dreaming Healing Finder First sister bond Foretelling The Guardians Illusion
Listening to the Wind Mirror of Mists Nym The One Power Sa'angreal Severing Shielding Skimming Strengths in the One Power Ter'angreal
Traveling Unweaving Well White fluted wand

Other Articles

Amayar The Atha'an Miere The Band of the Red Hand Battle of Bekkar Blademaster The Bore Cadin'sor Carneira Con The Creator
The Dark One Darkfriends Dragonmount Illuminators Ki'sain Kaisin Pass Larapelle Legion of the Dragon Maighande Razor
Seanchan (Government) Seanchan (History) Seanchan (Continent) Seanchan (Military) Shambayan Shatayan Siswai'aman Soralle Step S'redit The Tuatha'an
The Ways


Aiel War Aiel Warrior Societies Aldieb Amador Amayar Bandar Eban Bela Breaking of the World Canluum Cuendillar
Da'covale Daes Dae'mar Damane Delving Elyas Machera False Dragon Forkroot Gai'shain Gareth Bryne Grolm
Hadori Jeade'en Jehannah Lopar Mandarb Pips Portal Stone Raken Stayer Sun Lance
Swallow Tai'daishar The Light The Shadow To'raken Village Council The War of the Hundred Years The War of the Shadow Warder Wheel of Time
Wheel of Time (History) Wheel of Time (Geography) Windfinder Wisdom